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Ryan Mason makes prediction about Spurs attracting new players this summer

Ryan Mason has said that Tottenham have lacked continuity over recent years due to the different styles that various managers have employed, but the club will not struggle to attract managers or players this summer. More than two months on from Antonio Conte‘s sacking, Spurs look no closer to appointing a new head coach. On […]

The post Ryan Mason makes prediction about Spurs attracting new players this summer appeared first on Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

Ryan Mason has said that Tottenham have lacked continuity over recent years due to the different styles that various managers have employed, but the club will not struggle to attract managers or players this summer.

More than two months on from Antonio Conte‘s sacking, Spurs look no closer to appointing a new head coach.

On the back of Arne Slot‘s decision to remain at Feyenoord, some have questioned if the Tottenham job is as attractive to elite managers as it once was.

The Athletic revealed this week that some within the game perceive the role as a ‘manager’s graveyard’ on the back of Jose Mourinho’s and Antonio Conte’s recent failings.

Julian Nagelsmann

(Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images)

The report revealed that others such as Julian Nagelsmann had reservations due to the uncertainty over the structure at the club following Fabio Paratici’s departure.

However, Mason pointed out that none of the managers who have been linked with the Spurs hot seat seem to be distancing themselves from the speculation.

When asked about Nagelsmann and Slot rejecting the role, the interim Tottenham head coach told Football.London: “These are all hypothetical things, really.

“I’m not sure that maybe these people you might be mentioning – I don’t know who because I’ve not been looking at the press and these types of things – but their names are out there.

“They’re not exactly moving themselves away from it. They know it’s a big club, they know that if Tottenham and their name is being linked then it’s a massive positive for them.

“It’s a big club, we know it is. Every manager, every coach knows this is a big club. Players do. Fans do. You can feel it. You can really feel it when you’re here, when you’re in our stadium.

“This will stay a big club and it’s going to be attractive for whoever is in charge next season. I’m sure players as well will want to come here.”

Mason admitted that the Lilywhites need stability across the board if they want to close the gap on the best teams in the Premier League.

The 31-year-old added: “My view is quite clear in terms of we’ve probably had two or three different styles of football in the last two or three years and I don’t think that is good for any squad of players or for fans.

“For anyone, it is hard to become stable and when you lose people, lose coaches, lose players, lose members of staff, the impact is huge if you keep going from different things.

“Going forward it really is important and we see it in the Premier League, we see it across the leagues, I want people to know who Tottenham are, know what a Tottenham team looks like and certainly know what a Tottenham player looks like.”

Spurs Web Opinion

This idea of the Spurs job not being attractive is an overreaction from fans and journalists to the events of the last few years. It is worth pointing out that the job was attractive enough for Conte 18 months ago.

By all accounts, Arne Slot was also keen on the role and would have been happy to come to North London had Spurs been able to agree on compensation with Feyenoord.

Even though Tottenham have underperformed over recent years, we remain a huge club, with one of the best training ground and stadiums in the world. We also have some world-class attackers of the calibre that only a couple of clubs can afford to sign from the market

There is no doubt that several elite managers will fancy their chances of turning the team around that taking Spurs back to where they were a few years ago.

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The post Ryan Mason makes prediction about Spurs attracting new players this summer appeared first on Spurs Web - Tottenham Hotspur Football News.

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