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Lefties love having a go at the nation which practised slavery least: Us

GUESS which national newspaper has just confessed to having had deep, historical links to slavery?

I say national newspaper but these days its pygmy circulation is confined pretty much to North London.

The Guardian has just confessed to having had deep, historical links to slavery and has promised reperations[/caption]

That should have been a decent clue, then.

Yup, of course, it’s the achingly liberal, right-on, Guardian, which can show you racism in a handful of dust.

You’d need a heart of stone not to burst out laughing.

The paper has just issued a cringing apology: “The Scott Trust and Guardian apologise unreservedly for their roles in this crime against humanity.”

Yeah, I bet you do. No surprise, is it?

The more middle class and liberal an institution, the more you should mistrust it.

The Guardian has been lecturing society about racism for years.

Right back into the Sixties and Seventies.

When there were black plumbers, black electricians, black lawyers in the UK — but Guardian editorial meetings were whiter than a Ku Klux Klan dinner dance.

The paper has also decided to pay £10million “reparations” for its evil history.

And that’s the next problem.

Because being habitually stupid, The Guardian has bought into all the convenient myths about slavery.

The myth which suggests that we alone in the West were wicked. Uniquely wicked.

It couldn’t be further from the truth.

And perpetuating that falsehood causes rancour and divisions.

Virtually every society on the planet has practised slavery at some time or another.

That’s what we humans are like, sadly.

The Egyptians, Romans, Sumerians, Vikings, Chinese — all had slavery.

The Ottoman empire and the caliphates had slavery.

Everybody was at it.

But none more so than on the continent of Africa.

There, slavery was embedded in virtually every economy.

In countries we know today as Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Sudan — the list is almost endless — slavery had been practised for hundreds and hundreds of years.

And then we, in the West, came along and exploited that slavery.

Historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University have estimated that of the Africans captured and then sold as slaves to the New World in the Atlantic slave trade, around 90 per cent were enslaved. . . by their fellow Africans.

Our exploitation of the existing slave trade was of course wrong and caused untold misery for hundreds of thousands of people.

But we were basically tapping into a vile practice which was already in existence.

And how long did we continue with slavery?

For about 140 years.

From the 1660s until 1807.

When we became the first legislature in the world to abolish the horrible practice.

Something we did for moral reasons.

Misguided and hateful

We, along with Haiti, were one of the first countries to light a beacon against the enslavement of humans.

Meanwhile, slavery continued — in Africa, just as it had done for hundreds of years before our arrival.

And of course elsewhere.

These days there are calls for reparations from the UK — and Portugal, France and Spain and the USA — for their involvement in the slave trade.

But if any country should be paying reparations it’s the likes of Ghana and Nigeria, surely?

Why, out of all the thousands of societies that practised slavery, pick on the country which practised it for one of the shortest periods of time and tried to persuade the world to end it?

But the whole thing now has become part of that misguided and hateful creed, critical race theory.

A theory which divides black from white and creates a victimhood mentality.

No surprise that all these years later, The Guardian is on the wrong side of history again.

No10 calling out for Keir

SO, Jeremy Corbyn is going to stand as an independent at the next election.

Knowing the ghastly voters of his constituency, Islington North, it wouldn’t surprise me if he got in.

Corbyn’s standing as an independent because Keir Starmer has prevented him from standing for Labour

Corbyn’s standing as an independent because Sir Keir Starmer has prevented him from standing for Labour.

And won’t let him back in the party.

And that ruthlessness is yet another reason why Sir Keir is probably heading for No 10.

Injured Gwynnie skier seems a bit slippery to me

LOOK, I can’t say I have much time for Gwyneth Paltrow.

B*****k-jabbering mimsy munchkin flogging stupid products to dweebs.

Gwyneth Paltrow appears on the stand in court where she is accused in a lawsuit of crashing into a skier during a 2016 family ski vacation[/caption]
Terry Sanderson’s testimony was about as convincing as one of Paltrow’s acting performances[/caption]

But still, this court case of hers.

The bloke she is supposed to have collided with, Terry Sanderson, seems to me to be a greedy chancer.

And his testimony was about as convincing as one of Paltrow’s acting performances.

Listen, Terry.

You went skiing.

You careered down a steep slope covered in snow on two bits of metal.

And guess what – you had a collision, quelle surprise!

That’s what happens when you ski.

You knew what you were getting into.

If it hadn’t been Paltrow it could have been a tree, or a rock, or a penniless German called Fritz.

And you wouldn’t have sued then, would you?

Still woke to do

WORLD Athletics has decided women’s sports should be confined to people who we once knew as “women”.

A whole bunch of other sporting organisations (in cycling and swimming, for example) have made the same decision – having previously gone along with the demented demands of a tiny minority.

Isla Bryson, formelly Adam Graham, has been jailed after being convicted of two rapes[/caption]

Hell, even Europe’s dimmest government, the one run by the SNP in Edinburgh, was forced to concede that putting a male rapist called Loretta, or something, in a woman’s prison was probably not a great idea.

And this is the point – whenever stupid liberal ideology comes up against that annoying thing, reality, there is only one winner.

Still, these are only the symptoms of the malaise, not the cause.

The woke left still persists in the doublethink that transgendered women actually ARE women.

Except, of course, on those frequent occasions when they’re not.

On the road to ruin

COUNCIL elections coming up soon.

All the manifestos will be dropping through the door.

Here’s my bet.

None of those manifestos will say this: “We’re going to put up barriers across loads of streets and make your lives a total f***ing misery. You won’t be able to drive anywhere. And we’ll fine you if you try. Got that, pleb?”

But even though it’s not in the manifesto, that’s what they’ll do.

Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, Green – doesn’t matter.

These days they think they’re saving the world rather than running a council.

And making life better for you is right at the bottom of their list.

They’re doing it now – in Canterbury, Cambridge, Oxford and London.

Oh, and Rochdale, where locals set fire to the planters the council berks had put up across a bunch of roads.

There will be more fires like that before this year is out, believe me.

Joe is a dead loss

POOR old America.

They are saddled with a senile half-wit as a president.

Witless Joe Biden rambled on about his love of ice cream when addressing the nation about the horrible shooting at a school in Nashville[/caption]

Given the opportunity to address the nation about the horrible shooting at a school in Nashville, what did Dead Joe do first?

He rambled for ages about how he liked ice cream.

Especially chocolate chip.

I genuinely suspect that someone has removed Joe’s frontal lobes with an ice cream scoop.

Do you remember the days when Americans had kind of half-decent people running the country?

A cure for NHS

THE headlines say we’re “falling out of love” with the NHS.

A recent opinion poll reckons that public satisfaction is down to 29 per cent, its lowest ever figure.

There’s a reason to be pleased about this.

We might now begin to have a PROPER debate about what to do with the NHS.

Because that’s what’s needed – not just banging saucepans together like a halfwit.

Our expectations for the NHS have become too great.

We need an alternative system of funding.


CONGRATULATIONS to South Western Railways.

The company has unveiled its rainbow-coloured Intersex Inclusive Pride train.

South Western Railway has unveiled its rainbow-coloured Intersex Inclusive Pride train

It will be staffed by those LGBTQI alpha-bet people and run from Waterloo to Weymouth.

And if any of you dare to suggest that this is simply craven, politically correct, top-down virtue signalling by a company which has difficulty running its trains on time  . . . then I dare say SWR will stamp their little feet and have a fit.

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