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I got pregnant at 16, had nowhere to live and no money – being a teen mum is hard and my man said I ruined his life

IN TONIGHT’S episode of the new series, Teen Mom UK: Next Generation, we saw five new teen mums be completely honest about the struggles of motherhood, as they shared the highs and lows of parenthood. 

When it comes to tears, tantrums and totally adorable babies, these five lovable UK mums have got it sussed. 

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In tonight’s episode of the new series, Teen Mom UK: Next Generation, we saw five teen mums be completely honest about their struggles, sharing the highs and lows of parenthood[/caption]
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Ellie opened up about how she fell pregnant at the age of just 16 and had no money and nowhere to live[/caption]
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Isha, a Valleys girl from Wales was struggling being a first time mum[/caption]

New to our screens and to parenting, these young mums lifted the lid on the highs and lows of teen parenthood – the drama, heartache, joy and everything in between.  

There were arguments, tears and babies certainly weren’t their only challenge, as baby daddy drama, family feuds and mothering missteps are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the challenges these girls face. 

In tonight’s episode, we saw Angel, Chloe, Ellie, Isha and Whitney take their first steps into motherhood, in the new MTV show.


18-year-old Ellie, from Gravesend, Kent lives with her partner Luke and their two-year-old son Tommy. 

Ellie explained that her pregnancy at the age of just 16 was not planned at all, as she was on contraception at the time.

She said: “When I did find out I was pregnant, it was a bit of a surprise.

“I was 16-years-old and I had nowhere to live, I had no money, no job, I was still in school, but I knew I had to suck it up and become a parent.

“Tommy’s daddy Luke is my first and only boyfriend. Me and Luke met outside McDonald’s.

“Tommy is already two-years-old, it’s crazy to think I met his dad Luke when we were 14. We were just a couple of shy kids.

“Two years later, everything changed, when I found out I was pregnant, I was already six-months-gone, three months later, Tommy was born.

“For me, it was the best feeling in the world, but I think Luke feels like he’s missing out on his teenage years.

“He wasn’t happy. Luke was like ‘you’ve ruined my life’. To him, I ruined everything. 

“He was a good boy for sticking with me, he didn’t have to.”

Luke then explained: “It was a big shock to the system, I wasn’t ready to be a dad.

“I found it really hard to give up the nights out with my friends and the rest of it.”

Ellie revealed that parenthood hasn’t been easy for the young couple and while Luke is out earning an income for the family, Ellie struggles with the responsibility of looking after Tommy, as well as doing the cooking and cleaning for the family.

She added: “It’s not been easy. Luke works really hard as a decorator to support us all, but I can’t help feeling he resents me for ruining his life.

“It’s been like this for a while and now we’re reaching breaking point.

“I think Luke expects me to do all the parenting and with a two-year-old, that isn’t easy.

“I’m constantly chasing him around on his bike or cleaning up after him, and on top of that I’ve got to make dinner, every day.

“He thinks all I do is sit around and spend money on sunbeds and lashes. Don’t get me wrong, I do love a good tan, but there’s more to my days.”

In the show, as Luke arrived home from a long day at work, we saw the couple bicker about taking Tommy for a walk.

Luke said: “You think playing with Tommy all day has been hard work for you?”, to which Ellie replied: “You don’t understand that being a mum is difficult. You think it’s all fun and games. No it’s not darling.” 

Ellie then added: “Being a mum is hard, sometimes I felt like packing all my stuff and going, but I can’t, that’s not life.

“I know Luke is tired, but so am I. It makes me so angry when he acts like my life is easy. 

“These little arguments can’t keep happening.”


18-year-old mum Angel, from Somerset, met her boyfriend Matt six years ago whilst at the same boarding school and from that moment on, they were inseparable. 

What started as love’s young dream quickly deteriorated into a nightmare when their relationship became increasingly on and off – while Matt would see other girls, Angel couldn’t bear the thought. 

However, in her final year of school Angel fell pregnant and is now mum to Teddie, who is 16-months-old. 

Angel explained: “I love being a teen mum. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“He’s just so cheeky, he’s got the cheekiest grin you’ll ever imagine.

“He definitely takes after his dad Matt – we met when we were 12 and he was more than a bit cheeky.

“He’s at the age where he’s always on the move, he needs so much attention.

“I feel like me and Matt never even see each other. Last night he went out to the pub and he stayed out all night.

“Since Matt turned 18 it’s been quite a rocky path for us. He gets quite held up in going out.

“It’s when he comes home at like 5am and wakes me up to let him in, wakes Teddie up.

“I feel distraught, let down.” 


Valleys girl Isha is a 20-year-old mum from Wales.

A traumatic birth and aftermath sent her anxiety through the roof and now, mother to six-month-old Arlo, she has felt the struggle of being a young mum. 

Isha revealed: “My life is constantly hectic, but I love parenthood, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

“I got together with my boyfriend Jamie two years ago and now we live with baby Arlo. I can’t believe how much my life has changed, my world has literally turned upside down.

“Arlo is six-months-old and is making great progress, sleeping more and smiling, but he can’t exactly have a chat with me.

“Being a mum at home while Jamie is at work is quite lonely. Looking at the same four walls everyday, I find it very difficult.” 


19-year-old Chloe, from Yorkshire has not had an easy life. 

Mum to Elizabeth-Hope, nine-months-old, Chloe is not only a young mum, but is also navigating life with a disability too.

She explained: “Never in a million years did I expect to be a teen mum. Unplanned doesn’t mean unloved.

“Being a single mum can be hard and I’m disabled, which makes it a lot harder.

“I have a condition called endometriosis and I also have polycystic ovaries and fibromyalgia.

“It causes me a lot of pain, sometimes I struggle to walk, but I’m really strong-minded and I’m determined to keep smiling for Elizabeth-Hope.

“Now she’s eight-months and she’s crawling and nearly walking already and it’s much harder.

“I really worry about the future, I’m so desperate to be the perfect mum, but on bad pain days, I just can’t be.” 


Mum-to-be, 17-year-old Whitney, from Portsmouth had never planned on being a young mum, but is excited for the challenge. 

The pregnant teen explained: “Still being a baby myself, I had never planned to get pregnant. It was a blessing in disguise.”

Whitney is currently 38 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and revealed that while she is excited to be a mum, she isn’t a fan of the changes to her body.

She noted: “I still can’t believe I’m going to be a mum. It’s crazy.

“I love this little human inside of me but I do not love what he’s done to my body.

“My boobs have always been big, but before they got pregnant I was a perky big, but now they touch my knees.

“I never thought I’d be a teen umm, but it won’t stop me.

“I’ve been earning money through side hustles since I was 14 and I’m really active on social media, campaigning for things I believe in.

“This year I want to go to college and do my A-Levels and then I want to go to university.”

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Angel and her man Matt came to blows after his constant partying[/caption]
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Whitney, a mum-to-be was excited to welcome her son[/caption]
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Ellie and her partner Luke bickered about their roles[/caption]

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