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I’m 77 & so hot men in their 40s ask me out – I’ll never become a ‘griege’ OAP so women who’ve let themselves go hate me

WEARING  a bright orange column dress and perfectly applied makeup, mum-of-one Stella Ralfini, 77, settles in beside a friend for their train trip from London to Brighton.

The pair are planning a fun day out and are deep in conversation when the train guard starts checking tickets.

Stella Ralfini
Stella says men can’t get enough of her[/caption]

When he gets to their seats Stella, from Camden, North London, flashes her senior discount card.

But rather than nodding approval he does a double take.

“You’re not eligible for a pensioner ticket,” he says. “‘It’s for people over 60. You know that don’t you?’”

But rather than being shocked Stella smiles and politely pulls out her identification and seniors’ card.

People think I am 20 years younger than I am. They’re gobsmacked when I reveal my real age.


Because it’s NOT an unusual occurrence for her. “I constantly get asked to prove I am an OAP,” she said. 

“People think I am 20 years younger than I am. They’re gobsmacked when I reveal my real age.”

Stella said she looks “so young”  and gets asked out by men who are 45. “Women who let themselves go hate me,” she added.

The self-confessed sexy pensioner said: “I’m so hot I embarrass my daughter, 45, because men her age hit on me. She rolls her eyes constantly.”

I’m so hot I embarrass my daughter, 45, because men her age hit on me.


Describing herself as “a fashionista extraordinaire” she revealed she had recently joined Match.com dating app but had been ghosted regularly. 

“I’m so hot that rejection doesn’t mean a thing though,” she said.

“The men were not convinced I was as old as I am.  They thought I was fibbing. They can’t comprehend a 77-year-old on a dating app.

“They also realised I do have quite expensive tastes.  

“I am not a Nandos’ date. If they want to take me out, I want romance.”

Admitting to “Botox once a year,” she said the true secret to her youth was “good genes.” 

People are convinced I have had a face lift. I have only had ‘subtle’ injectables.


“I love looking young for my age,” she added. 

“I refuse to go grey and hate wearing cardigans and pearls. I wear bright colours. I behave like a teenager and refuse to act my old age.

“People are convinced I have had a face lift. I have only had ‘subtle’ injectables.

“More oldies should be like me. They’d live longer and age less quickly if they dressed and acted younger.”

I am currently single. I love older men. The trouble is at all the ‘older fellas’ are boring or in nursing homes.


Former beauty and health company owner, Stella continued: “I am currently single. I love older men. The trouble is at all the ‘older fellas’ are boring or in nursing homes. I can’t find a man my age to keep up with my wild antics and youthful lifestyle.

“I used to be annoyed when people thought I was lying about my age. Now I don’t care. I love it and it always shocks the people around me.”

Growing up Stella was taught by her mother and grandmother to use the kitchen cupboard not expensive moisturising creams to care for my skin.

“My beauty comes from the kitchen and it’s the secret to looking young,” she said.

Stella's top 10 beauty tips

At 77, Stella still looks amazing - here are her top 10 beauty tips (all from the kitchen cupboard)

Stella’s Kitchen Cupboard beauty tips

  1. Ice cubes shrink wrinkles
  2. Rolled oats and egg whites for face masks
  3. Used cold tea bags for under eye puffiness
  4. Avocado and honey for moisturiser and scrubs
  5. Essential oils and almond oil for moisturising

“I don’t use moisturiser on my skin and store-bought products even the most expensive creams are a no-no for me.

“I use essential oils, mixed with almond oil nightly to keep my skin plump and healthy.

“Frankincense oil is my favourite. I slather it on.”

Stella also relies on rolled oats for her youthful glow.

Before I go out, I use ice cubes on my face to tighten my skin. I swear by it for keeping you wrinkle free.


“I mix oatmeal with egg whites. It’s an amazing face mask and scrub for your face and neck.

“Avocado and honey are great for moisturising as well.

“Before I go out, I use ice cubes on my face to tighten my skin. I swear by it for keeping you wrinkle free,” she said.

“I also mix salt and mashed banana. It works as a moisturiser and a scrub dependent on the  thickness. It costs pennies.

“Kitchen cupboard beauty kept my mother and grandmother booking amazing. Now it’s helping me. And confusing the poor train guards.”

I am not shocked that men half my age ask me out… I will never become a ‘greige’ old person.


When Stella left school at 15 years old, she went to Pitmans Secretarial college in London then in 1978 opened a fashion store in Hampstead before running a health and beauty company called Good Regime.

When Stella celebrated her 60th birthday in April 2007 she admits she was spurred into exercising more and vowing to never dress ‘old’.

“After I turned 60, I noticed more people my age suddenly got older,” she said. “They dressed like old people and turned their hair grey. They gave into the ageing process,” she says.

“I vowed to not do that. I now belly dance, walk, do yoga and swim every week to keep my size 12 figure in check.

Stella also swears to buy a Mediterranean diet of fish and vegetables for turning back the clock.

“I do enjoy Champagne and chocolate as well,” she said. “It is part of my secret anti-aging method.

“I am not shocked that men half my age ask me out.

“My hair is always coloured red or brunette and styled perfectly. I love red lipstick and I always wear sunscreen.

“I will never become a ‘greige’ old person. I’ll be wearing daring OAP outfits at 97 and living my best life.”

Stella Ralfini
Stella in her younger days[/caption]
Stella Ralfini
I’m 77 & so hot men in their 40s want to be my boyfriend – the secret to my youthful looks dates from Jesus’ times[/caption]

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