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From hamster toys to a cat marking his territory – your pet queries answered

HE is on a mission to help our pets  . . . and is here to answer YOUR questions.

Sean, who is the head vet at tailored pet food firm tails.com, has helped with owners’ queries for ten years.

Sean helps a reader with a hamster’s toys[/caption]
Sean McCormack, head vet at tails.com, promises he can ‘help keep pets happy and healthy’

Q) WHAT enrichment toys do you recommend for a hamster?

I’ve read somewhere that the balls you get aren’t good for them.

What is your view?

How big a cage should they have?

Should I swap the toys around?

Do I keep the sleep quarters in the same place?

I want to make Hammy as happy as possible, and would love your advice.

Emily Rogers, Chichester, West Sussex

A) The sky, or really your imagination, is the limit.

Old toilet-roll tubes, cardboard boxes, hay and straw, hamster toys from the pet shop, of course, but a DIY approach is more fun.

Twigs, branches, pipes, deep litter, dried vegetation (make sure it’s hamster- safe), food treats, things that make Hammy work for a reward like a ball to roll around that treats fall out of.

And rotation to provide novelty value is absolutely recommended.

What about a hamster obstacle, course?

Search for “hamster enrichment” on YouTube for hours of timewasting . . . I mean fun.

Q) MY dog Morgan is really scared of water.

I’d love to take him to the beach, as we live near the sea but he’ll cower in terror there.

What can I do?

Simon Smith, Lyme Regis, Dorset

A) I bet he’s a whippet? Or maybe a dachshund?

Certain breeds tend to be scaredy- cats when it comes to water, though obviously every dog is unique.

Anyway, I would ask why you want Morgan to swim?

If he doesn’t want to, that’s fine.

You may make him more fearful, or at least enjoy beach trips less, if you try to force him.

For some breeds, it’s dangerous for them to attempt to swim, as their bodies make it very difficult or even dangerous for them.

I’m thinking the brachycephalic or flat-faced breeds like pugs and bulldogs, or short-legged ones like dachshunds and bassets, for example.

If your dog cowers at the beach, it may also be other factors.

Crowds, too many children, too much pale British skin on show — who knows?

Q) CAN cats have too much catnip?

My Luna and Bella go crazy.

Mollie Carpenter, Hastings, East Sussex

A) In a word, yes.

Too much catnip all at once can sometimes have negative effects, mainly with digestive upsets and symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea.

Over-indulgence can also build ­tolerance, and even in the short term immunity to its euphoric effects.

It’s probably best to use it in small amounts, every few days at most.

Like everything fun, moderation is key, or you ruin the buzz.

Q) IS there anything I can do to stop my two-year-old cat Jasper marking his territory at home?

It’s so frustrating.

He does it near the door and also behind the sofa.

I’ve scrubbed the carpet but the problem persists.

Please help.

Sian Davies, Cardiff

A) I’m hoping the obvious issue of neutering him is sorted, because living with an “entire” male cat with his full equipment is a ­guaranteed recipe for a very stinky and territorially marked home.

Are there other cats stressing him out or trying to come into the house? Is he stressed for any other reason?

Cats and stress are quite subtle things.

Breaking the habit in persistent areas is difficult, and scent is the key driver — so you need to work hard to eliminate it, with pet-safe enzymatic cleaning products ideally.

Never use ammonia.

Changing the surface of walls or objects he’s marking to something that will ­spatter can work too.

Temporary plastic sheeting might just do the trick, by reflecting his whiffy efforts back on him.

Star of the week

FORMER racehorse Lucky Star mended his owner’s broken heart when her other horse sadly died.

Now the 17-year-old thoroughbred is the emblem of an online community for riders across the world.

Former racehorse Lucky Star mended his owner’s broken heart when her other horse sadly died[/caption]

Owner Andrea Busfield, 52, from Lincoln, said: “When my first horse Achilles died from colic, I took on Lucky Star.

“He saved me in every conceivable way, as I had to get up when my heart was still in pieces.

“Friends say that Lucky was lucky to have found me, but it was me who was lucky to find him.

“He inspired me to set up an online community for horse lovers to support one another.”

See mumshaynet.com for useful information on the animals.

WIN: Reward Trainer

WANT to help your dog to overcome unwanted behaviour like whining, barking and pawing?

The Sun on Sunday has teamed up with the PetSafe brand to give two readers the chance to win a Teach And Treat Remote Reward Trainer worth £188.99.

To enter, send an email headed TRAINER to: sundaypets@the-sun.co.uk by June 9.

See uk.petsafe.net for info.

T&Cs apply.

Rid your dog of pesky pica behaviour

WE all know the old classic “my dog ate my homework” excuse, but new research reveals it may be true.

A study from rover.com found 73 per cent of dogs exhibit “pica behaviour”, a compulsive urge to eat non-food items.

We all know the old classic ‘my dog ate my homework’ excuse, but new research reveals it may be true[/caption]

Paper is the most commonly ingested item, with 43 per cent of dogs who eat things chewing it, along with toilet roll (36 per cent), their own dog toys (32 per cent) and plants (27 per cent) as well as cushions (13 per cent) and even stones (13 per cent).

The survey also found that nearly half (48 per cent) of pet owners are unaware of the dangers it can pose, including vomiting and intestinal problems.

Adem Fehmi, Rover’s canine behaviourist, said: “Calmly take control of the situation or diffuse it by popping your dog on a lead and moving them away or offering a “swap” with a high-value food item or loved toy.

“Meanwhile, ensure you give your dog plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, and always create a safe space for them when you can’t supervise.

“By implementing these strategies, we can keep our furry friends safe and happy.”

To find out more, visit rover.com/uk.

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