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Who is Nathan Turner on 24 Hours in Police Custody and where is he now?

24 HOURS in Police Custody showed the 14-hour armed stand off between Bedfordshire police and two suspects.

Here is everything you need to know about Nathan Turner.

Bedfordshire Police
Nathan Turner and his accomplice Paul Burton were jailed after a 14-hour stand off[/caption]

Who is Nathan Turner?

Nathan Turner, 37, was jailed after a 14-hour siege sparked by a cold takeaway in which a delivery driver was taken hostage.

Channel 4 released a documentary called 24 Hours In Police Custody about the stand-off at a tower block in Bedford.

Turner and his accomplice Paul Burton lived in the flats at Bury Court at the time of the incident.

What did Nathan Turner do?

Bedfordshire Police
Who is Nathan Turner on 24 Hours in Police Custody and where is he now?, Pictured: Nathan Turner and Paul Burton takeaway siege , Credit: Bedfordshire Police[/caption]

Nathan Turner and Paul Burton threatened their neighbours with a high-powered air rifle.

After a 999 call in November 2022, Bedfordshire Police were sent to a block of flats.

A witness reported that she saw two men making threats to kill someone with a AK-47 rifle.

Police officers assessed the scene and identified the two suspects as Paul Burton and Nathan Turner.

Around 3am on November 27, 2022, they ordered food but when the driver arrived they trapped him in the lift by placing a coffee table in front of it.

Both of them were drunk and high on drugs.

They claimed that they trapped the delivery guy in the lift for over two hours because their food was cold and late.

When police arrived Burton vowed he would “shoot the first officer that walks through the door”.

At 8.45 am Burton then shot at the windscreen of a manned police car.

Turner started throwing paint and plants from a balcony during the day.

He damaged several vehicles below and around 12:34 Turner gave himself up.

Burton relented at 17:49, almost 14 hours after the stand-off began.

This was an extremely disturbing and frightening siege in which a firearm was present.

Judge David Farrell KC

Supt Steve Ashdown of Bedfordshire Police said: “Thankfully we achieved a peaceful outcome.

“I’ve been a firearms commander for 10 years and this is the first siege of this type that I’ve dealt with.”

He added: ”Like with every other firearms incident, there is a sense of achievement and relief at a successful resolution.  

”All the residents were kept safe and no officers came to harm, which is not always a guarantee for police officers, sadly.

“There was a sense of professional pride.”

Channel 4
CCTV image of Nathan Turner and Paul Burton in Bury Court hallway[/caption]

Where is Nathan Turner now?

Nathan Turner was jailed following his arrest.

He admitted to affray and four charges of criminal damage.

Judge David Farrell KC sentenced him to 20 months.

Paul Burton was sent to jail for seven years after pleading guilty to attempting to cause grievous bodily harm and two charges of possessing a firearm without a certificate.

The judge said: “It was an appalling and terrifying incident.

“This was an extremely disturbing and frightening siege in which a firearm was present.”

Detective Superintendent Steve Ashdown said about the incident: “This episode demonstrates the different units, teams and partners that come together to support these types of incident.

“It also highlights how officers are undoubtedly feeling the impact of dealing with these incidents or are at the receiving end of violence as events unfold and shows an officer who was fired at during the siege.

“As a force we have introduced a range of measures to support our officers and staff.

“The challenges we face as a police force, when it comes to violent incidents, anti-social behaviour, and ill-mental health are shown in the programme.

“We work alongside our partners in healthcare to support people in our communities who may be suffering a mental health crisis, such as through our specialist mental health street triage team.

“Support with managing your mental health and wellbeing is always available to people, regardless of who you are and where you come from, so please never be afraid to reach out and seek help.”

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