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Новости за 11.11.2015

The New Republic 

The Human Stain

The Holocene, our current geologic age, began over 11,700 years ago. Measured from the end of the Ice Age’s mass extinction, the Holocene includes the beginnings of agriculture, the domestication of animals, the establishment of the written word, and the rise of civilization. However, some scientists now argue the Holocene has come to an end: Welcome to the Anthropocene, a newly proposed geologic age defined by humanity’s irreversible impact on our 4.5-billion-year-old planet.

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The New Republic 

The Human Stain

The Holocene, our current geologic age, began over 11,700 years ago. Measured from the end of the Ice Age’s mass extinction, the Holocene includes the beginnings of agriculture, the domestication of animals, the establishment of the written word, and the rise of civilization. However, some scienti

The New Republic 

The Hillary Clinton Living Inside the Republican Brain

Imagine a police sketch artist drawing a picture of Hillary Clinton based only on descriptions from the Republicans at the Fox Business Network debates on Tuesday night. The sketch would be unappealing, obviously, but also weird and contradictory. According to the collective wisdom of the GOP crowd, Clinton is a power-mad monster who is nearly unstoppable, but she’s also weak. She is afraid of debating Republicans, but Republican debates are making her stronger. She is a hard leftist who hasn’t... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Hillary Clinton Living Inside the Republican Brain

Imagine a police sketch artist drawing a picture of Hillary Clinton based only on descriptions from the Republicans at the Fox Business Network debates on Tuesday night. The sketch would be unappealing, obvi

The New Republic 

'In Jackson Heights' and the Brooklynization of America

From Grand Central Station, the geographic heart of Manhattan, a 20 minute express subway ride on the elevated 7 train delivers you into the bosom of Jackson Heights, the spiritual heart of Queens and the setting for legendary documentarian Frederick Wiseman’s latest meditation on an American institution. In Jackson Heights, the director’s forty-third feature film, never takes us on that intraborough subway ride, but the effect of people taking it for the first time, in pursuit of fertile territory to “develop”... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

'In Jackson Heights' and the Brooklynization of America

From Grand Central Station, the geographic heart of Manhattan, a 20 minute express subway ride on the elevated 7 train delivers you into the bosom of Jackson Heights, the spiritual heart of Queens and the setting for legendary documentarian Frederick Wiseman’s latest meditation on an American inst

The New Republic 

Student Activism Is Serious Business

Student activism is not new. Sometimes it is misguided, sometimes it’s dismissed, but it is always earnest. In 1960, young black students who had put up with enough and wanted their concerns about racial equality and civil rights to be heard formed the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, or SNCC. They eventually became the more radical arm of the civil rights movement—leading direct action protests, coordinating the Freedom Rides, and leading voter registration drives. They were passionate. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Student Activism Is Serious Business

Student activism is not new. Sometimes it is misguided, sometimes it’s dismissed, but it is always earnest. In 1960, young black students who had put up with enough and wanted their concerns about racial equality and civil rights to be heard formed the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, o

The New Republic 

The GOP’s Immigration Split Is an Opportunity for Rubio

If the resounding badness of Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Live hosting gig wasn’t enough vindication for the #RacismIsntFunny activists who had protested against it, then Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate certainly was.Trump got an early question on immigration and managed to

The New Republic 

Cruz In Control: Why the Texas Senator's Plan to Avoid the Spotlight Is Working

Ted Cruz, the Texas senator currently in fourth in recent polls of the Republican field, gave a shrewd performance at the debate in Milwaukee on Tuesday night. He largely avoided the spotlight, instead allowing Ben Carson, John Kasich, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio to squabble among themselves. His talking points, however, when he offered them, were carefully crafted to appeal to Evangelicals, Tea Partiers, and voters who want an outsider in the White House. In other words: much of the Republican base. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The GOP's New Prescription for Eating the Poor

When it came to the subject of helping ordinary Americans, you could almost write the lines in advance of the fourth Republican debate. Spinning his flat-tax plan on Tuesday night, Senator Ted Cruz argued that tax cuts hugely weighted toward the rich will unleash such massive growth that everyone will benefit. “The effect of that is incredible economic growth," he said. "It means every income group will see double-digit increases, from the very poorest to the very weakest, of at least 14 percent." Gosh... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The GOP's New Prescription for Eating the Poor

When it came to the subject of helping ordinary Americans, you could almost write the lines in advance of the fourth Republican debate. Spinning his flat-tax plan on Tuesday night, Senator Ted Cruz argued that tax cuts hugely w

The New Republic 

Ben Carson's Economics Speak Directly to Evangelicals

Every Republican candidates wants a piece of America’s Evangelicals. The largest religious bloc within the Republican base, Evangelicals have shown themselves to be reliable voters and devoted campaigners, earning them the courtship of GOP presidential hopefuls beginning with Ronald Reagan. Evangelical affection has again been in high demand this primary season, with everyone from Donald Trump to Ted Cruz making plays for their loyalty. But while most appeals to Evangelicals focus on their famed... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Ben Carson's Economics Speak Directly to Evangelicals

Every Republican candidates wants a piece of America’s Evangelicals. The largest religious bloc within the Republican base, Evangelicals have shown themselves to be reliable voters and devoted campaigners, earning

The New Republic 

Republicans Got the Debate They Wanted—And So Did Democrats

When presidential debate moderators disclaim their own factual knowledge, and refuse to correct erroneous or dishonest answers, it falls to other candidates to step into the breach.But what happens when other candidates are too ill-briefed to correct their competitors, or too tempted by the incentiv

The New Republic 

Jeb Bush Falls Flat at the GOP Debate

Jeb Bush may have set out to deliver a blow to media favorite Marco Rubio's campaign during Tuesday's Republican debate, but his efforts didn't get him very far. Bush suffered weak applause after pleading for moderate immigration policies in the wake of Donald Trump's more extreme proposals, and came off vague and non-specific in explaining his plans for tax reform. During a commercial break, the former Florida governor gave his one-time protégé the cold shoulder, turning away from a convivial handshake... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Jeb Bush Falls Flat at the GOP Debate

Jeb Bush may have set out to deliver a blow to media favorite Marco Rubio's campaign during Tuesday's Republican debate, but his efforts didn't get him very far. Bush suffered weak applause after pleading for moderate immigration policies in the wake of Donald Trump's more extreme proposals, and cam

The New Republic 

What Happened to the Donald Trump We Know and Grudgingly Love?

Fox Business

The drunk-uncle-at-Thanksgiving metaphor used to work for Donald Trump not just because of the drunk uncle, but also because of Thanksgiving. The uncle is special because you don't have to sit through him ranting about racist stuff but once a year. If the uncle were to show up every couple of weeks, his boorishness would become not just offensive, but tedious. That's Trump's problem in the fourth Republican primary debate. He's recycled his jokes so much he's boring us, and himself. Читать дальше...

Бородач в чёрном попытался украсть мальчика из школы. Чужие родители отбили ребёнка

Энергетический и технологический суверенитет: Россия развивает промышленный майнинг

ЦСКА презентовал Пьянича в стиле рекламы «Old Spice»: «Я на коне и с конями»

К демонтажным работам приступили в здании «Москворецкой гимназии» в Воскресенске

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Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине


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Топ новостей на этот час


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