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Новости за 13.12.2017

The New Republic 

What Roy Moore Did to the Pro-Life Movement

“Doug Jones wants abortion to be allowed until the moment before birth,” one ad blared. “A vote for Doug Jones is a vote for more black abortions, no school choice, and higher taxes for job creators,” said another. The ads described a candidate who didn’t exist. Jones, who won last night’s special election to replace Jeff Sessions in the Senate, is no radical. His pro-choice views are in line with the Democratic mainstream, meaning that he supports the right to choose and current restrictions on late-term abortions. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 


“You know who’s going to get hurt by this?” a member of Congress asked me recently, referring to the about-time uprising of women against predatory men. “Women.” He explained that male members of Congress are now going to be reluctant to hire a woman when they have the option of hiring a man for a job, and that very attractive women would be particularly at a disadvantage in obtaining jobs on Capitol Hill. (Buxom is out.) Self-protection, in other words, might well lead to a new form of discrimination. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Art of Escaping Censorship

In 1985, Donald Shanor, a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism, published a slim book called Behind the Lines: The Private War Against Soviet Censorship. In it, Shanor outlined a problem that was emerging in Gorbachev’s USSR: It was becoming increasingly obvious that the Soviet Union needed to embrace new technologies in order to stay competitive among advanced nations. Yet, should its leaders do so, they risked losing control of a system of censorship that had been in place for more than 60 years. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Donald Trump Is Losing His Only Superpower

Once it became clear that Doug Jones had won an upset victory over Roy Moore in the Alabama senate race on Tuesday, the immediate question was: How would the president take the news? Donald Trump, after all, was deeply invested in the race to replace former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions. Elevating Sessions to attorney general seemed like a safe move back in November of 2016. Alabama was a deep red state where, in the presidential election a week earlier, Trump had won 62 percent of the vote to... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Guilt Trip

We are living in a golden age of rubbernecking entertainment. Even as audiences fracture according to hyperspecific tastes, it is not unusual for millions of people across the country to be puzzling out the same murder at once, dissecting clues from the real cold cases in twisty shows like HBO’s The Jinx and Netflix’s Making a Murderer. These series tend to be heavy on mystery but not on mourning; the victims feature only as the starting point for an investigation. The relatives of the departed rarely appear either... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Most Overlooked Environmental Crisis of 2017

Off the coast of Louisiana, in an 8,000-square-mile swath of ocean, the marine life is suffocating to death. Nutrient pollution, flowing from the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico, is birthing huge clumps of algae that are sucking oxygen from the water. Without oxygen, fish are struggling to respirate, and fleeing the scene en masse. Plants and worms, being unable to flee, are wasting away. This so-called “dead zone” in the Gulf has been appearing every spring and lasting until the winter since monitoring began in 1985... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Cost of Supporting Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Doug Jones, a Democrat, should not have won a Senate seat in Alabama. Sure, there were polls in the run-up to Tuesday’s special election showing Jones with a ten-point lead, after allegations surfaced that his Republican opponent, the disgraced former judge Roy Moore, had molested and preyed upon teenage girls decades ago. But Alabama, one of the most conservative states in the country, hasn’t had a close race for national office in decades, and the polls are notoriously fickle. Donald Trump won the state by 28 points in the 2016 election. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The GOP Is Going to Pay for Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Doug Jones, a Democrat, should not have won a Senate seat in Alabama. Sure, there were polls in the run-up to Tuesday’s special election showing Jones with a ten-point lead, after allegations surfaced that his Republican opponent, the disgraced former judge Roy Moore, had molested and preyed upon teenage girls decades ago. But Alabama, one of the most conservative states in the country, hasn’t had a close race for national office in decades, and the polls are notoriously fickle. Donald Trump won the state by 28 points in the 2016 election. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Political Limits and Possibilities of #MeToo

President Donald Trump is finally in the crosshairs of the #MeToo movement. Four women who have accused him of sexual misconduct repeated their allegations on Monday—that Trump ogled, groped, and kissed women without their consent. In response, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand joined a growing list of prominent Democrats who have called for Trump’s resignation. “President Trump has committed assault, according to these women,” she said on CNN. “And those are very credible allegations of misconduct and criminal activity... Читать дальше...

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Юнармейский отряд «Витязь-Быково» Подольска победил в играх «Техно– ДОГ-биатлон»

Россиян предупредили о резких заморозках до минус 4 градусов

В парке у Музея Победы прошла программа ко Дню оружейника

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