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Новости за 27.02.2020

The New Republic 

The Coronavirus Is Trump’s Worst Nightmare

Donald Trump is not known for his steely calm. In the face of a seemingly endless string of legal scrapes and existential crises—impeachment, a special counsel investigation, a potentially mortifying presidential election looming over it all—he has responded with his signature mix of rage and panic, spraying Twitter with cries of “fake news” and blaming his woes on enemies, real or imagined, in the Democratic Party, in the deep state, even in Fox News. This is what we have come to expect from the president... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Welcome to the Mean Tweets Primary

This week, a regional field director for the Bernie Sanders campaign was fired for tweets that demeaned—acidly and in the extremely online parlance of cruel detachment—the current crop of Democratic presidential candidates. The tweets mocked Amy Klobuchar’s appearance and called Elizabeth Warren an “adult diaper fetishist.” They were mean, but also not intended to reach their targets: They were sent from a locked account and only made public after The Daily Beast blogged them as screenshots. The reporter behind the story... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

How Insulin Became the Poster Child for Medicare for All

Nicole Smith-Holt, a college financial aid specialist in Richfield, Minnesota, got the call on a Tuesday in June 2017. Her son Alec had been found alone in his new apartment, slumped over and ice-cold. In shock and disbelief, Nicole assumed that an intruder must have broken in. After Nicole and her husband, James, arrived at Alec’s place, she asked the paramedics if they were certain that he was even dead. He was such a heavy sleeper—had they tried shaking him? “What in the world could have possibly... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Why the New Right Loves Nootropics

A class of supplements bills itself as neuroenhancers or nootropics—compounds you don’t need a prescription for that promise to augment your mental functioning without side effects. A notable subset of the people interested in these brain pills—and sometimes hawking them—are on the right. It’s not hard to see how today’s pressures might make a person want to amplify their cognitive abilities, but is there something about the idea of chemically optimizing one’s mind that meshes especially well with a conservative politics? Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

When “Meatless Mondays” Aren’t Enough

One might read a piece in the New York Times food section about the difficulties of obtaining ethically and responsibly sourced shrimp, then find links to shrimp recipes beneath it. The national section of a magazine might be reporting on Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids at Mississippi poultry processing plants, while a food writer extols the joys of Popeyes’s chicken sandwich. The insatiable demand for a viral item is treated as though it exists in a different universe from the arrests... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Bernie’s Boring Path to Victory

There’s been much debate since the Iowa caucus about the extent to which Bernie Sanders has delivered on the promise that his campaign would inspire record breaking levels of turnout and engagement from nonvoters. This is an idea Sanders regularly plays up on the campaign trail and on the debate stage. “The way we are going to beat Trump,” he said during Tuesday night’s debate in South Carolina, “is we need a campaign of energy and excitement. We need to have the largest voter turnout in the history... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

How Far Left Should a Millennial Be?

Liberals have never quite known what to make of those who are far to their left. Conservatives tend to conflate liberals and leftists so often that many who fit under the broad Democratic umbrella have fallen into the habit of doing likewise. This is why Democratic operative Peter Daou can write that “Clinton and Sanders supporters … largely have the same goals,” and an NPR reporter can claim that the 2020 Democratic candidates “all basically want to do a lot of the same things.” The difference... Читать дальше...

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Фестиваль народного творчества прошел в Истре

Ученицы школы №2 вернулись из «Путешествия мечты»

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Арестовали 43 банковских вклада: замминистра Иванов может быть оштрафован на 100 млрд рублей

Занятие по нейрогимнастике провели в клубе «Активное долголетие» в Химках

Красавицы из Ульяновска поборются за один миллион рублей и поездку в Мексику

СК РФ продолжает устанавливать коррупционные преступления по делу Иванова

Музыкальные новости

Актриса Галибина призналась, что Мадянов никогда не жаловался на боль

Игорь Ларионов стал новым амбассадором Лошадиной силы

Участникам нападения на офис Wildberries могут дать пожизненное

Тайны королевской семьи: что скрывает нумерологический прогноз для Чарльза III?

Новости России

Первая после летних каникул сессия Народного Хурала проходит сегодня в Улан-Удэ

За какую провинность русским крестьянкам могли «выписать» 10 розог

МИД РФ призвал Узбекистан дать оценку инциденту с русскоязычным ребенком

СК РФ продолжает устанавливать коррупционные преступления по делу Иванова

Экология в России и мире

Возможности по выступлениям для Певцов, Музыкантов, Артистов различных жанров и направлений музыки предоставляемых Продюсерским центром.

Дистрибьюция Музыки. Дистрибьюция Музыки в России. Дистрибьюция музыки в вк. Яндекс музыка дистрибьюция. Цифровая дистрибьюция музыка. Дистрибьюция музыки под ключ.

Как провести дезинфекцию почвы в теплице? Грибок, бактерии и насекомые больше не будут мешать на следующий год

Очень модный гардероб для этой осени: примеры образов

Спорт в России и мире

Титулы Самсоновой и Хромачёвой, неудача Касаткиной и прорыв Качмазова: как российские теннисисты проводят турниры в Азии

Алибек Качмазов поднялся на 73 позиции в рейтинге ATP, достигнув 179-го места

Токио (ATP). 1-й круг. Хуркач сыграет с Гироном, Берреттини – с ван де Зандшульпом

Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера


Беспилотный тягач StarLine начал испытания без человека за рулем

ТСД SAOTRON RT41 GUN: практичный, производительный, надёжный

Братство спасателей с искренней радостью поздравляет с назначением на должность министра чрезвычайных ситуаций Республики Крым

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