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Новости за 29.07.2020

The New Republic 

Ivanka Trump’s Empty Spectacle on Violence Against Native Women

The picture tells a nice story: Ivanka Trump—smiling with a big golden key in hand—stands alongside assistant secretary for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tara Sweeney, Lower Sioux Indian Community Vice President Grace Goldtooth, and Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. They are there to mark the opening of an office in Bloomington, Minnesota, dedicated to cold cases in Indian Country. Specifically, the office is designed to address the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, or MMIWG, crisis... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Monopoly is Tyranny

The economy as we know it is populated by gigantic corporations, behemoths that have bought up not only their competition but also the businesses supplying or otherwise supporting them. Such monopolies act as a “rival form of government,” explains Zephyr Teachout, the author of Break ’Em Up: Recovering Our Freedom From Big Ag, Big Tech, and Big Money. On Episode 12 of The Politics of Everything, hosts Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene talk with Teachout about the dangers of allowing these outsize companies to grow unchecked... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Bill Barr Battles Democrats to a Draw

The House Judiciary Committee’s Democratic members spent more than a year trying to haul Attorney General Bill Barr into a hearing room. They had no shortage of topics to cover when he finally appeared on Tuesday: the Russia investigation and his efforts to undermine it last year, his subsequent probes into the investigators who launched it, his brief stint as the ersatz governor-general of the District of Columbia in June, his dismissals of key United States attorneys, his interventions in Trump allies’ legal troubles, and much more. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Emperor’s New Tone

Last Friday was a momentous day in American politics. After months of doing everything he could to ignore the severity of the coronavirus pandemic and its profound impact on American life—and, crucially, his political future—President Donald Trump saw the writing on the wall. He could no longer live in denial. He would have to lead. 

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The New Republic 

Between Thomas Chatterton Williams and Me

A few weeks ago, we took a summer vacation on one of those island towns beloved by the East Coast elite. The stores and restaurants on Main Street had just emerged from the hibernation of lockdown. There was take-out lobster and fish and chips, outdoor seating where you could share a bottle of wine and a tray of oysters harvested from local waters. After uneasy, claustrophobic months in our apartment in New York City, you could breathe easier here, so to speak. Every morning we would walk to Main Street for an overpriced breakfast. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Problem of the Not-Quite-One Percent

“We aren’t wealthy people with a very big Hamptons home, but it’s beautiful to us,” the owner of a rather large house in Southampton recently told The New York Times in an article on Manhattan residents decamping to second homes. That quote, roundly savaged on social media, has since vanished from the online version of the article but was an instructive lens through which to view the not-quite-one percent as they navigate the pandemic.

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The New Republic 

The Coronavirus Is Blowing Up Our Best Response to the Opioid Crisis

On Mondays, Dr. Kimberly Sue would see patients at a syringe service program on the Lower East Side in New York, prescribing medications like buprenorphine that treat opioid addiction. Other days, she saw patients at Rikers Island Correctional Health Services, where she specialized in treating HIV and substance use disorders. She was practicing medicine on the front lines of the nation’s overdose crisis until the Covid-19 pandemic slammed New York. 

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The New Republic 

Stop Fretting About Biden’s VP Choice

We are entering the silly season of vice presidential speculation, filled with ill-sourced rumors and Talmudic interpretations of what Joe Biden means every time he says that his running mate must be “simpatico.” Depending on what you read over the weekend, Kamala Harris is either the inevitable pick (The Hill) or doomed (Politico) because she refuses to express remorse over her theatrical debate attack on Biden over busing. 

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The New Republic 

The Worst Answer to Climate Anxiety: Wellness

The coronavirus turned the world inside out. Essential workers continued to report to duty, often at great personal risk. The rest of the United States was stuck indoors, with only the internet to occupy them—if they were lucky and 80 percent of their time wasn’t taken up with regaining employment or worrying about the next month’s rent.

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В Подмосковье сотрудница Росгвардии провела для ребят уникальный тренинг по приемам саморегуляции и взаимопомощи

Собянин утвердил проект планировки дорожной сети в ТиНАО у ЦКАД

Скрытая агрессия: как понять, что абьюзер в отношениях — это вы

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Приставы Подмосковья взыскали налоговую задолженность в размере 1,5 млн руб

В Подмосковье сотрудница Росгвардии провела для ребят уникальный тренинг по приемам саморегуляции и взаимопомощи

В спорте все как в жизни: видишь цель - иди к ней!

В Подмосковье 26–28 сентября объявили самый высокий класс пожарной опасности

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Новости России

В спорте все как в жизни: видишь цель - иди к ней!

SHAMANа подозревают в страшном грехе

Собянин утвердил проект планировки дорожной сети в ТиНАО у ЦКАД

Скрытая агрессия: как понять, что абьюзер в отношениях — это вы

Экология в России и мире

Современная концепция биохакинга в сети клиник «Будь Здоров» представлена на первой конференции по управлению возрастом и здоровьем «Ко-Лаб»

В Подмосковье росгвардейцы задержали гражданина, находящегося в розыске.

Маршрут автопоезда «Остановим ВИЧ в Свердловской области!» в текущем году включает 24 города региона

Как провести дезинфекцию почвы в теплице? Грибок, бактерии и насекомые больше не будут мешать на следующий год

Спорт в России и мире

Алибек Качмазов поднялся на 73 позиции в рейтинге ATP, достигнув 179-го места

Рахимова обыграла Биррелл и вышла во второй круг WTA 1000 в Пекине

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле

Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера


Гортранс Екатеринбурга снова накопил многомиллионный долг за электричество

ТСД SAOTRON RT41 GUN: практичный, производительный, надёжный

В Подмосковье росгвардейцы задержали гражданина, находящегося в розыске.

Беспроводной сканер штрих-кодов SAOTRON P05i промышленного класса

Топ новостей на этот час


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