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Новости за 01.12.2023

The New Republic 

The Reason These Democrats Voted to Save George Santos

Former Representative George Santos was expelled from the House on Friday, in an overwhelming bipartisan vote. Republicans were divided on whether to expel Santos from the House, with 105 voting in favor of his removal and 112 voting against. Democrats were almost entirely united in voting for his expulsion, with four exceptions: Representatives Bobby Scott and Nikema Williams voted against his ouster, while Representatives Al Green and Jonathan Jackson voted “present.”

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The New Republic 

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Social Security?

Social Security is generally considered politically untouchable, but lawmakers have been fretting about its future for months. In March, the Treasury Department reported that the trust funds for the program, which currently provides benefits for 67 million Americans, will be depleted in 2034.

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The New Republic 

Expelling George Santos Did Not Set a Bad Precedent

New York Representative George Santos etched his name into history on Friday by becoming the twenty-first person to be expelled from the House of Representatives. In a 311–114 vote, House members easily met the two-thirds majority vote required for expulsion, with two Democrats voting “present.” Fewer than half of his fellow Republicans—105 out of 221—voted to remove him, as did 206 Democrats.

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The New Republic 

The GOP Showed Again How Anti-Worker It Really Is

If, as Senator Marco Rubio said last year, “GOP voters are working-class Americans, and they are changing the party,” the House Education and the Workforce Committee never got the memo. Start with the committee’s name, which, whenever Republicans regain the majority, they insist on changing from “House Education and Labor.” The mere word “labor” (which can mean “labor union” but more commonly distinguishes workers from capital, or stockholders) is intrinsically offensive to the GOP. How can a... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Let’s Admit It: “Bidenomics” Has Failed

The 60-second TV spot begins with  a series of brief shots: a lobster boat setting out just after dawn, a man exiting a taxi at a crowded downtown intersection, a farmer on his tractor, a boy on his bicycle. Accompanying the gauzy imagery is soothing dentist-office music and a confident male voice whose intonations suggest safety and comfort.

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The New Republic 

What Betty Friedan Knew

What prods our feminist foremothers into the light of reappraisal? The condition of women in the world is a changing state of affairs, except of course, depressingly, in all the ways it isn’t. Accordingly, the relevance of any departed feminist thinker to the present moment takes one of two forms. First, she’s to be resurrected because the injustice she once delineated has been substantially overcome; we can beatify her for having slain the dragon of this or that historical inequality. In other words... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Is New York Our Best Hope for Renewable Energy?

“Public!” yelled Tefa Galvis, a tall, smiling organizer with New York City Democratic Socialists of America-Ecosocialists. “Power!” answered an energetic crowd of about 65 gathered in Battery Park at lunchtime on Wednesday, a frigid but radiantly sunny day. Overlooking the Statue of Liberty, with the city’s Financial District looming in the background, activists and socialist elected officials celebrated a landmark climate victory—the Build Public Renewables Act, or BPRA—and announced a campaign... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Why Aren’t Senate Democrats Investigating the Trump Family?

With three committees they control on the case, the Republican majority in the House of Representatives is officially engaged in a serious inquiry into the possible impeachment of President Joe Biden. Key House Republicans, such as Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, have voiced their determination to dig into what they have declared are dubious financial dealings by notorious presidential offspring Hunter and other relatives, including presidential brother James, seeking to somehow link Joe to involvement in their financial dealings. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

Taylor Swift Has Nothing on Pope Francis

I was disappointed when news broke Tuesday that Pope Francis was canceling his appearance at the U.N. climate conference this week due to illness. First, because I wanted to hear what he might say; the Vatican’s prior climate communications have been pretty spicy, and his insistence Sunday that he would fly to Dubai for the conference—intravenous antibiotics or no—seemed to suggest the pontiff might open up a nice big can of liberation theology on COP28’s fossil fuel shills. And second, because... Читать дальше...

ДТП с участием двух грузовиков произошло на 10-м километре МКАД

Prian.ru: 70 % сделок с тайским жильем пришлись на российских покупателей

Ликсутов: более 2,6 трлн рублей вложили за полгода в основной капитал Москвы

Нахимовское училище во Владивостоке отмечает важный юбилей — 10-летие

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Нахимовское училище во Владивостоке отмечает важный юбилей — 10-летие

Экология в России и мире

Экскурсия для студентов прошла в «Маринс Гранд Отель Астрахань»

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Марии Шараповой завидуют все русские женщины. И вот почему

Полина Кудерметова одержала первую победу в карьере над игроком из топ-50 рейтинга WTA

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Загоралось утро....

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