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Новости за 16.05.2024

The New Republic 

The Supreme Court Saves the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The Supreme Court on Thursday overwhelmingly ruled that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding structure is constitutional, rejecting what would have been an existential threat to the agency. The decision is yet another rebuke to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, the right-wing court that has embraced a variety of outlandish legal theories in recent years, but also a major defeat for the conservative legal establishment, which has worked tirelessly to kneecap the CFPB.

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The New Republic 

A Right-Wing Counter-Hegemony

To speculate on what the future of American culture might look like in a second Trump presidency, we must consider the past: the formative New York and educational years of Donald Trump himself. By a curious turn of fate, the young Donald and I share a birthplace and, generally speaking, an education at the same institutions of higher learning. I can’t pretend to know the influence our common background has on his attitude toward the arts, but I can make some informed guesses by contrasting Trump’s journey to my own. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The “Day One” Dictatorship

Last December, when asked if he would abuse power if reelected president, Donald Trump said, “except for day one.” In short, if we are to believe Trump’s own words, the constitutional order as we know it will be subverted from the moment he takes office. Of course, there are many unknowns here, starting with the capacity of Trumpists to implement what they have already told us they plan to do. But Trump and his people have all but told us that, in a second Trump term, the United States might approach... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Permanent Counterrevolution

“Does fascism intend to restore state authority or subvert it? Is it order or disorder? Can you be conservatives and subversives at the same time?” Six months before the March on Rome in October 1922, when Benito Mussolini was the head of the Fascist Party and its decentralized militia movement, he isolated the contradictions at the heart of fascism that remain fundamental to authoritarianism today.

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The New Republic 

Boyle County Snake

In Danville’s quiescent morning
my neighbor knocked—
“I’m Ebony from next door,
I found a snake
and if my husband ever knows
he’ll sell our place and move away.”
I wanted to help
so I took my snow shovel
into summer, and Ebony and I
went behind the house.
Wild, new grass—
tough contractor’s mesh
on a fledgling lawn
where I found a five foot snake
beneath the nets.
Now I knew, in Boyle county, snake
eyes slit like vertical blinds
meant venom, days... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

A Cowed Normality

“Would you describe the Iranian regime as ‘Islamo-fascist’?”

I hesitated before responding. The term was a favorite of the neoconservatives at the time, which was a year after Operation Iraqi Freedom began. It was a way of ginning up a possible new U.S. military adventure in Iran. But the question was from my former professor, a man I liked and respected, Ira Katznelson. Not a neocon. I had dropped by while visiting New York after living for a few years in Iran, and I knew he wanted my honest opinion. Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

From Texas to Massachusetts

“Welcome to the nightmare in my brain,” said Heather Axford, director of Central American Legal Assistance, when I asked to interview her about a possible second Trump administration’s impact on immigration issues. CALA was founded in 1986, in response to the wave of refugees fleeing the Salvadoran civil war, by Anne Pilsbury—she retired as director in 2023, but remains as senior attorney—and Sister Peggy Walsh, a nun, and operates from the basement and a small office of the Transfiguration Church in an ungentrified pocket of Williamsburg... Читать дальше...

The New Republic 

The Liberal Fantasy Is Just That

One evening in the autumn of 2019, I was seated at a banquet dinner with some of the capital city’s best and brightest. It was a very Washington dinner, full of lawyers, lobbyists, and People Who Know People, chatting about politics over plates of rubbery chicken.­

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The New Republic 


I look for uncomplicated peace in ocean and sand,
afraid of the kind of candor you draw
from me, my cowardly deep-sea regime.

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The New Republic 

Yes, That’s Right: American Fascism

“No, no,” some admonish: “Don’t get carried away. Sure, Donald Trump is dangerous, perhaps uniquely so. But … fascist? The need to label him a fascist says more about the labeler than about Trump.” This argument has sprung from certain quarters of the right, which was to be expected, but it has also sprouted from the left, where a point of view has arisen that the “hysterical” invocation of the f-word is as much a danger as Trump.

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The New Republic 

The End of Civic Compassion

Under its autocratic Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary introduced in early 2020 a new National Core Curriculum. The curriculum presents Hungarian literature as the literature of ethnic Hungarian populations, even those living outside of the borders of the state of Hungary after the Treaty of Trianon created present-day Hungary in 1920, sowing national resentment similar to that in post–World War I Germany after the Treaty of Versailles led to the loss of German land and colonies. The course... Читать дальше...

Путин и Бердымухамедов обсудили по телефону укрепление партнерства стран

Десятков: станция метро появится рядом с бульваром Генерала Карбышева

Зарубежные фильмы, сцены которых снимали в России

"От 55 лет и старше": для всех пенсионеров в сентябре начала действовать новая льгота

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Московская «Пизанская башня»: безумный эксперимент с домом-метро на площади Красных Ворот

10 изготовителей высокотехнологичных изделий открылись в ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

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Новости России

В красноярском аэропорту фонтанами из брандспойтов встретили московский авиалайнер Boeing 747-400

Суд начал рассмотрение дела о стрельбе в Алексине, во время которой пострадал военный

Владимир Доброхотов и Сергей Морозов устроили утреннюю пробежку в Чебоксарах

Аюрведа процедуры Санкт-Петербург

Экология в России и мире

Лучшие каратисты со всей России собрались в Екатеринбурге

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Спорт в России и мире

Россиянин Алибек Качмазов вышел в основную сетку турнира ATP-250 в Чэнду

Марии Шараповой завидуют все русские женщины. И вот почему

51 год назад прошла «Битва полов» между Билли Джин Кинг и Бобби Риггсом

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом


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