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Crime, DEI and the end of the republic


Americans need to realize the crime "rate" is going to fall suddenly and dramatically. True, it is not safe to walk the streets of America, day or night. Mass lootings and casual theft are rampant as are carjackings and house stealing.

But political control by the Democratic Party over the enforcement of the state's penal codes is going to solve the "crime" problem.

It's all about the numbers. If the arrest is not made, there is no crime statistic. If the arrest is reduced to the issuance of an appearance ticket, there is no crime statistic. If the local district attorney refuses to enforce specific laws because the legislature will not pass legislation making the act legal, there is no crime statistic. The elimination of bail eliminates crime statistics. Imagine the crime rate if we arrested the invaders and charged them with violating the law!

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Democrats already are starting to declare that their vision of social justice is eliminating crime.

Before many common crimes became "socially acceptable" to ruling-class Democrats, the nation's prisons and jail populations were dominated by blacks. So, the Democrats declared from every rooftop and every podium this population disparity was the result of a racially biased justice system, based upon racist law, and those arguments have now spun into the claim American was founded by racists for racists.

Evidence to the contrary is overwhelming, and there is zero evidence to support this attack upon America – but this theme is now, by executive order of President Biden, included in the mission statement of every agency, bureau and department of the federal government. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion order supersedes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Along with race, Biden's DEI statement included the Democrat Party platform plank on homosexuality. Not only did his executive order destroy the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the guiding principle of this nation, it made clear the government would not do business with anyone who violated its DEI intent.

We are on a path to make criticism of DEI a criminal act.

Concern for the future of this nation, as a result, is now a common expression among some political writers and thinkers. But even they are behind the curve. They worry about civil strife, even a civil war waged to save the Republic. The revolution is done, and the Constitution no longer is the guiding document of federal service in the more than 1,100 entities of the federal government.

To operate successfully, DEI requires a socialist government. How else are we to achieve "equity" of possessions? In a free-enterprise system, we all decide for ourselves. Some people are better at that than others, and so "equity" is not achievable if people think they have rights beyond what the government allows.

Inclusion cannot be achieved if merit is considered. Inclusion is arbitrary, and thus achieves just the opposite of what its advocates say it does. Inclusion institutionalizes mediocrity and sloth by rejecting education, merit, work and dedication.

That leaves diversity. That is a real tail chaser because once the dog catches his tail, he does not know what to do with it. The chase becomes the perpetual purpose, and always winds up in the same place where it began.

This is the new U.S. government decreed by executive order of President Joe Biden. If he prevails, just imagine what history will record as it places the name Biden among the most hated and destructive dictators of all human history. And just imagine what history will record when it compares the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the Biden decree on DEI, and asks, "Why didn't the Americans stop this madness?"

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