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Ziyouz.uz (en) 

The Friend Who Had Introduced a Foe

Annotation. This article was published in Uzbek in 2004 in the newspaper “O`zbekiston adabiyoti va san’ati” (The Literature and Art of Uzbekistan). The article compares the images of Otabek and Master Alim in the novel “The Days Gone By” by Uzbek writer Abdulla Qodiriy. The importance of these images in expressing the novel’s artistic philosophy and the writer’s concept of the epoch is revealed. The author of the article substantiates the fact that A. Qodiriy, observing the changes in the Uzbek society in the beginning of the XX century... Читать дальше...

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Utkir Hoshimov. A fairytale about a drop

Once upon a time there grew an apricot tree. She used to grow on a high hill in a village. Every year she entertained people to fruits. Nevertheless she was really bored ,as there were not any trees around her. One day when she woke up she felt that something was sparkling on her leave:

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Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Muhammad Sharif. Memoirs of S.A.

‘Ear pulling’ in the Turkmen Desert

It was April 18, 1986. In the district recruiting office we were ranked, roll call was taken, we were then put on a bus and it was off to the regional centre.
The road was through my village. Our yard was visible from the highway. Through the window I could see the kids in the yard, sisters who were washing dishes under a large cherry tree, and my six year old nephew – he waved to the convoy. Apparently, the relatives and neighbours, who had come to see me off, had not left for home. Читать дальше...

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Kuchqor Norqobil. “A welcome to arms” (Nightmares of the Afghan war)


I don’t know how much longer I’m going to live, but I can tell you I’ve already lived a long time. It’s actually a lie that I’ve only been alive for 24 years. I’ve probably lived one or two centuries. But I’m still at a loss to figure out this darkness that keeps growing inside me day by day. I don’t know how to see what it really is, this evil that breaks my spirit and saws my soul to pieces. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to understand myself again, or even understand what’s happened to me. Читать дальше...

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Isajon Sulton. The Saint (story)

The wind that blew in after the rain brought down the leaves and stalks of last year and mixed them into the slush. That wind died down last night and now a cool breeze is coming in from peaks of Avliyota Mountains. Even though it shivers the body the breeze carries the fragrant smell of a snowdrop that is growing somewhere out of an alpine stone, filling the soul with tender feelings.                    

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Ziyouz.uz (en) 

The Hail Mountain and seven heavens

Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability and aptitude to read and comprehend Koran from beginning to end. First of all, many people are busy with their daily routines, so they are satisfied with reading . Some ones hear disjointed conversations of religious people. In that cases there are some religious people who make mistakes in their considerations that may prevent others from right interpretation and understanding of Koran and lead to the hesitation of their faith. On page 387 of the book titled “West and East”... Читать дальше...

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Siddiki Ajzi (1864-1927)

He was born in 1864 in Samarqand. He attended madrasah and succeeded to read till “Sharhi Mulla”. But he took the knowledge from the life (The life brought him up). Siddiki visited Mecca at the end of 1890. He worked as a translator (interpreter) in the Russian Embassy in Jiddah in 1900. A year after, in 1901, he returned his country and opened a new styled (method) school.

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Feruz (Muhammad Rahimhon II) (1845-1910)

The king Feruz was a poet. He was the han of Hiva. He was a well known literature and art specialist, music, talented musician and composer. The main idea of his poems was love. His verses especially, such as “Ul oy vaslini yod etsam zabonda”, “Olsa jonim qoshu ko’zing, ikki lab”, “Soldi olam ichra g’avg’o, ey malaksiymo, ko’zing”, “Gulshan ichra sarv yohud ul qadi mavzuimdur” were very famous.

Ziyouz.uz (en) 

Ishoqhon Ibrat (1862-1937)

Ishoqhon Ibrat was a poet, historian, linguist, scholar, traveler and one of the first Uzbek printers. Ibrat was born in Turakurgan district of Namangan. His “San’ati Ibrat, qalami Mirrajab Bandi”, “Ilmi Ibrat” (Ibrat’s knowledge), - selected poems, on linguistics – “Lugati sitti alsina”(“Sitti alsina dictionary”), “Jomi’ul hutut” works, “Tarihi Fargona” (“The history of Fergana”), “Tarihi madaniyat” (“The history of culture”), “Me’zonul zamon” (“The measures of period”) and such historical works... Читать дальше...

Белоусов заявил о необходимости наращивать усилия в военной сфере с Таджикистаном

Песков назвал вердикт Трампу в США попыткой устранения политических соперников

Дети из Воскресенска посетили с экскурсией пожарную часть

Финал конкурса "Шустрик" прошел в Жигулёвской долине

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