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Three Names Ryan Poles And Bears Could Be Secretly Eyeing For #9 Pick

ryan poles

Leading into the 2023 NFL draft, most people were convinced which direction the Chicago Bears were going. If Georgia defensive tackle Jalen Carter slipped to the #9 spot, and most expected he would, GM Ryan Poles had every intention to take him. Well, things played out as expected. Carter was there when Chicago went on the clock. Then they traded back to #10 with Philadelphia, who took Carter instead, and the Bears went with Tennessee right tackle Darnell Wright. It was a considerable swerve.

It served as an important reminder. Whoever you hear the media reporting as a coveted name for the Bears may not be the one they’re actually interested in. This time around, the names coming up include Rome Odunze, Dallas Turner, Joe Alt, and Malik Nabers. However, it might not be wise to pencil them in for that spot, depending on who is available. Some other names could be involved that people aren’t talking about.

These three feel like Ryan Poles and Matt Eberflus guys.

Byron Murphy (DT, Texas)

Remember what Eberflus has said many times. The engine of this defense is that three-technique interior pass rusher. As of this moment, the Bears haven’t found that guy. Maybe Gervon Dexter will grow into the role, but he’s not there yet. It wouldn’t be shocking if the team went hunting for one in the draft. Murphy is widely considered the most natural three-technique in this class. He’s quick, explosive, strong, and relentless. The one issue with him is size. He’s only 6’0 tall with 32-inch arms and a 290-lbs frame. That might not fit the size thresholds the Bears prefer, but his ability shows up enough on tape to justify the risk.

JC Latham (OT, Alabama)

People talk about Alt as the unquestioned best tackle in this class. Based on comments from people in the NFL, that is far from a consensus. Some top evaluators believe Latham is the actual best tackle. He’s 6’6, 342 lbs, has 35-inch arms, and has surprisingly nimble feet for his size. His technique is already polished, as SEC rushers had a devil of a time trying to get past him. Yet his greatest strength is his run blocking. The guy is a tank. Anybody who gets in his way is often crushed without mercy. Everything about him screams Ryan Poles. The tricky part is whether to play him on the left or right side. If they feel he fits best on the right, they would have to feel comfortable moving Darnell Wright to the left.

Brian Thomas Jr. (WR, LSU)

One thing about the Bears is they are consistent in their approach. They covet players with traits. A concise way to put it is big athletes. They want guys who have height, length, and athleticism. For all the talk about Marvin Harrison, Nabers, and Odunze, the most naturally gifted receiver in this class is Brian Thomas. Not only is he 6’3 and 209 lbs, but he boasts 4.33 speed and a 38.5-inch vertical. The guy is a freak. He exploded in 2023, going for 1,177 yards and 17 touchdowns for LSU. The crazy part is many still see him as raw. With more polish, he could become one of the most lethal weapons in the NFL. From the Bears’ perspective, he’d get a chance to learn from D.J. Moore and Keenan Allen. Under such conditions, Poles might be willing to risk it.

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