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Новости за 12.04.2018


Armageddon: Stunning low-rolling cloud phenomenon resembles doomsday tsunami wave as it drifts and crashes across the horizon, dousing it in a thick l

By Luke Kenton This rare weather phenomenon resembles a scene from a doomsday film, as low-forming rolling cloud sweeps across horizon like a Tsunami wave. A sunny morning in Leavitt, Alberta, Canada quickly takes a sharp turn as a huge roaring cloud - resembling a towering wave - sweeps in over the horizon, on March [...] Credit: CatersNews

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Посольство России сомневается в подлинности заявления Юлии Скрипаль

Словно в классическом детективе: расследование официально завершено, но интрига еще жива. Несколько недель эксперты Организации по запрещению химоружия изучали пробы, взятые в местах посещения Сергея и Юлии Скрипаль незадолго до их госпитализации. Исследовали биоматериалы пациентов. Все это время в прессе всплывали различные версии: якобы отравляющее вещество российского производства "Новичок" было на дверной ручке дома, в вентиляционной системе и даже в личных вещах Юлии. Наконец, подготовлен отчет – пока он передан только Великобритании. Читать дальше...

Блог сайта «ТВЦ» 

Белый дом: Трамп пока не определился с ударом по Сирии

Мир замер в ожидании заявления Дональда Трампа. В четверг истекают 48 часов, которые президент США взял, чтоб принять решение о нанесении ракетных ударов по Сирии. Пока американские и европейские СМИ строят догадки, чем все это закончится и каковы перспективы третьей мировой войны, корабли США берут курс на Средиземное море и Персидский залив, передает "ТВ Центр".

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Wecome to Thailand

Gypos https://nypost.com/2017/10/15/airport-worker-busted-opening-passenger-bags-stealing-items/


Guy Elaborately Asks Girl to Prom Immediately After Skydive

Young Cameron Swanzy recently “promposed” to his girlfriend Mady in Greenville, South Carolina, in the most grandiose and romantic fashion that she could not possibly refuse.Since the age of 12, Cameron had wanted to skydive. His dream finally came true when, on his 18th birthday, he was surprised by his father with his first skydive. From that moment on he was hooked, booking a second skydive soon after. This time, he had something special in mind.After his jump, he surprised... Читать дальше...


Rare footage of endangered rhinos mating in the wild

This is the moment a pair of white rhinos were caught on camera mating in the wild in South Africa. The footage, captured on April 12 in the Hluhluwe Imfolozi game reserve, shows the endangered animals mating in the bushveld. The rhinos are also seen from another angle. Newsflare member Tim Brown, who carries out tours of game reserves, wrote: "To see any animal mating in the wild is rare but to see an endangered animal mating is just incredible."


UN support China on globalization

The UN condemn US protectionism. More and more countries are demanding UN headquarter be moved from New York to China before the Trump Wall isolated USA totally. People are tired of going to US for UN meeting and be subjected to TSA strip search.


Too cute! Baby attempts to sing along with mother

This is the touching moment a baby appears to join her mother singing. The footage, captured at a home near St. Louis, shows a two-month-old girl giggling and babbling as her mother -who is a songwriter- performs a song that she wrote for her. The mother writes: ''I decided to write a song for her, called 'Smile'. ''I noticed that when I sang it to her, she lit up and was instantly enthralled so much to where she started singing along with me, which is incredible given that she was only two months... Читать дальше...


Vehicles collide on icy roads in a flurry of snow

By Curtis Mitchell In a cloud of snow the two cars collide on the narrow highway, smashing together and rolling in the cold. Incredibly, the two drivers were left with just minor injuries though sadly the dog in the pick up truck did die. This shocking dashcam footage was captured by Laurence Crabtree, a local [...] Credit: CatersNews


Baby elephant shows he can be a tough guy after 'charging cars'

By Ellie Duncombe A baby elephant with a bad temper was caught on camera charging at cars in an attempt to be just like his dad. Quintin van der Merwe, 32, has been a professional field guide for the last seven years, and was at the Kruger National Park, South Africa, when the baby elephant [...] Credit: CatersNews


Yulia Skripal rejects Russian help to recover from poison attack

Yulia Skripal, who was poisoned in Britain last month along with her father, a former Russian spy, has refused an offer of help from the Russian Embassy. In a statement issued on her behalf by the Metropolitan police she said she had access to friends and family, adding that at the moment she does not wish to avail herself of the Russian embassy's services. 'No-one speaks for me' Skripal said she was not yet strong enough to give a media interview and she said comments made by her cousin to... Читать дальше...


It's like your my mirror! Real estate agent confused for Justin Timberlake for nearly two decades becomes lookalike after constantly being mobbed by f

By Josh Saunders A real estate agent who has been confused for Justin Timberlake for nearly two decades has become a lookalike after constantly being mobbed by fans. Peter Lillyman, 33, Phoenix in Arizona, USA, is so i-N*SYNC with the superstar's looks that he's been paid to party on a plane, requested to be someone's paid [...] Credit: CatersNews


Toddler's wants to be herself after mum teases her with magical animal trick

By Ben Walley This adorable toddler is not happy about her mum's magic trick and just wants to be herself! Little Aryah, 3, gets very cross with her Mum, Ginabeth Martin, in Kitchener, Ontario, when she uses her pretend magic tricks to turn her into different animals. The unimpressed toddler screams her name as she [...] Credit: CatersNews


Smashing job! Pair of bikers fly through glaciers as they ride heavy bikes on ice

By Kristiana Hall A pair of bikers have captured stunning photographs of them riding through a completely ice-covered glacier on their heavy bikes. The duo, Eric Zoesch, 29, and Paul School, 34, can be seen flying through the glaciers gracefully, as none of the ice below appears to crack. Riding through the stunning scene on [...] Credit: CatersNews

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Десятков: начато сооружение демонтажно-щитовой камеры станции «Бульвар Генерала Карбышева»

В Тверской области временно прекращено движение по трассе М-9 «Балтия» в Нелидовском районе

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Никита Михалков рассказал об обмане свердловского депутата, ушедшего на СВО

Shot: маньяк Артур Рыно похитил четырехлетнюю дочь у бывшей жены в Москве

Десятков: начато сооружение демонтажно-щитовой камеры станции «Бульвар Генерала Карбышева»

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