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Here is a proven one with a whole lot of content turning them around

Here is a proven one with a whole lot of content turning them around

The last thing that you haven't seem to grasp after all of this is"longer armour" or higher tier armour doesnt mean you may neccessarily escape, it'll mean a pvper can take everything unlockable that may give them an advantage in without having to worry about risking time locked gear such as imbued rings, Achto, T90 defenders, perked T90 protects, upgraded Morrigans Throwing Axes for higher chance of OSRS gold hitting spec, Lava Whip switch to haul you back deeper into wild, 4taa switches or dw/2h or multiple spec weapons, and that just means we could make you sit down even quicker than you used to. You aren't helping youself, since if these changes go through, everybody in the pvp community will go out to protest against these changes by ragging and killing.

What pvp community? No one goes out to the wilderness. Pkers risk what? Gano or A royal set? And pvmers do have to put in the wilderness for the Ushibti spirits for revenants and lava stykes, Insane closing boss, Chaos title, as well as boss. This isn't like OSRS. RS3 does not have an active pvp community worth validating anymore. If there are people who honor bet pvp in the wildy it a few hundred versus the tens of thousands upon thousands of pvm style Runescape gamers who publicly prevent the wildy since it is more trouble then it is worth. I speak from experience once I say getting the rev and lava styke soul was annoying then it had been anything else. Each pker that attempting to clap me sucked ass and it was apparently they only look to snap targets up.

Anyone can participate with less than 100k danger, be it pvp, pvm etc, in any content. Losing equipment isn't a concern. People do not pvp because it is not grinding out levels, or only because they do not want to. What people like OP want are to be able to use their fancy gear without risk of losing it because"muh efficacy"- however, there are already countless different spots to do it, risk free. To believe this is a better choice is silly- you could only have countless new ass people swarming the wilderness in the best gear they have and disrupting tasks, which I'm sure no one on reddit would complain about.

There is a proven one with a whole lot of content turning them around. Removing pvp isn't likely to increase the number of pvmers, it's just uprooting a neighborhood therefore lava wyrms can be killed by pvmers more quickly. So it benefits no one, which, incidentally, skilling and tasks in the wilderness is going to need to be nerfed to compensate for the diminished risk.

Also dangerous revenant mobs are a joke and you understand that, that's a concept that won't work that folks love to mention because it worked. I like this debate. The wilderness just gets upgrades, and adding incentive to ability from the - mind you, the last update was. There is no focus at all. And the"dwindling community" that, based on most of reddit, does not exist before every time they step into the best way to earn money in osrs wilderness and perish.


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