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Новости за 11.05.2017


ISS Potable Water Sampling and Chemical Analysis Results for 2016

Abstract: This paper continues the annual tradition, at this conference, of summarizing the results of chemical analyses performed on archival potable water samples returned from the International Space Station (ISS). 2016 represented a banner year for life aboard the ISS, including the successful conclusion for 2 crewmembers of a record 1-year mission. Water reclaimed from urine and/or humidity condensate remained the primary source of potable water for the crewmembers of ISS Expeditions 46-50.... Читать дальше...


Hinode: A Decade of Success in Capturing Solar Activity

Abstract: As the present solar cycle passes into its minimum phase, the Hinode mission marks its tenth year of investigating solar activity. Hinode's decade of successful observations have provided us with immeasurable insight into the solar processes that invoke space weather and thereby affect the interplanetary environment in which we reside. The mission's complementary suite of instruments allows us to probe transient, high energy events alongside long-term, cycle-dependent phenomena from magnetic... Читать дальше...


Methane Measurements from Space: Technical Challenges and Solutions

Abstract: We report on an airborne demonstration of atmospheric methane (CH4) measurements with an Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar using an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and optical parametric amplifier (OPA) laser transmitter and a sensitive avalanche photo detector. The lidar measures the CH4 absorption at multiple, discrete wavelengths around 1650.9 nm. In September 2015, the instrument was deployed on NASAs DC-8 airborne laboratory and measured atmospheric methane over... Читать дальше...


High-Resolution NU-WRF Simulations of a Deep Convective-Precipitation System During MC3E: Part I: Comparisons Between Goddard Microphysics Schemes and Observations

Abstract: The Goddard microphysics was recently improved by adding a fourth ice class (frozen dropshail). This new 4ICE scheme was developed and tested in the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model for an intense continental squall line and a moderate, less organized continental case. Simulated peak radar reflectivity profiles were improved in intensity and shape for both cases, as were the overall reflectivity probability distributions versus observations. In this study, the new Goddard 4ICE scheme... Читать дальше...


Testing and Characterization of a Prototype Telescope for the Evolved Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (eLISA)

Abstract: We describe our efforts to fabricate, test and characterize a prototype telescope for the eLISA mission. Much of our work has centered on the modeling and measurement of scattered light performance. This work also builds on a previous demonstration of a high dimensional stability metering structure using particular choices of materials and interfaces. We will discuss ongoing plans to merge these two separate demonstrations into a single telescope design demonstrating both stray light and... Читать дальше...


Signatures of Steady Heating in Time Lag Analysis of Coronal Emission

Abstract: Among the multitude of methods used to investigate coronal heating, the time lag method of Viall Klimchuk is becoming increasingly prevalent as an analysis technique that is complementary to those that are traditionally used.The time lag method cross correlates light curves at a given spatial location obtained in spectral bands that sample different temperature plasmas. It has been used most extensively with data from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We... Читать дальше...


2016 Science Mission Directorate Technology Highlights

Abstract: The role of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is to enable NASA to achieve its science goals in the context of the nation's science agenda. SMD's strategic decisions regarding future missions and scientific pursuits are guided by agency goals, input from the science community including the recommendations set forth in the National Research Council (NRC) decadal surveys and a commitment to preserve a balanced program across the major science disciplines. Toward this end, each of the... Читать дальше...

Cato Institute 

Comey Fired from FBI, but the Rationale Seems Thin

The reasons offered by the White House for removing James Comey from his perch at the FBI are remarkably weak. So says Julian Sanchez, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

The Trumpet 

Germany Looking to Support Lebanon

As most of the world gives up on Lebanon as nothing more than an Iranian fiefdom, why is Germany increasing its support?

LaRouche PAC 

Fireside Chat with Jason Ross, May 11, 2017

World Land-Bridge

Video of J3pgzCT_I6U

Join us tonight at 9pm EDT for an up to the minute discussion of the developments around China's upcoming Belt and Road Summit this weekend, and about the ongoing coup against the Trump administration. Find out what you can do to bring the New Paradigm into being, right here, in the United States.

Windsor Swimming Club 


  • Event Date: 8-9th of July 2017
  • Long course meet at Hengrove Park Leisure Centre, Bristol
  • The age groups are 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and over
  • Ages as on 9th of July 2017
  • Entry times SHOULD BE LONG COURSE TIMES (Short course conversions are acceptable)
  • If unsure of times, contact your coach
  • Schedule of events

The Trumpet 

Farm Attacks on the Rise

A proposed fix for economic problems: Driving farmers from their land if they are white.

Стоматолог Татьяна Сумцова: проверенные способы сделать зубы белоснежными

Российский турист поел уличной еды в популярной стране и приехал в Москву с печенью, набитой личинками

Заммэра Ракова: сборная Москвы завоевала более 1 300 призовых мест на Всероссийской олимпиаде школьников

Суд взыскал с Антона Красовского 30 тысяч рублей в пользу депутата Госдумы Сарданы Авксентьевой

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Заммэра Ракова: сборная Москвы завоевала более 1 300 призовых мест на Всероссийской олимпиаде школьников

В Красноярском крае завершился IV Музыкальный фестиваль под художественным руководством Юрия Башмета

На юге Москвы приведут в порядок четыре зеленые зоны в 2024 году

Преимущества размещения бизнеса в ОЭЗ назвали в Подмосковье

Музыкальные новости

«Сурганова и Оркестр» приглашают на Летник на Флагшток

Полина Максимова стала новым амбассадором подписки Газпром Бонус

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о цифровизации бизнеса

Новости России

Суд взыскал с Антона Красовского 30 тысяч рублей в пользу депутата Госдумы Сарданы Авксентьевой

В Москве задержали подозреваемых в краже украшений на 10 млн рублей

Парфюмер Нестерова назвала ароматы, идеально подходящие для лета

Стоматолог Татьяна Сумцова: проверенные способы сделать зубы белоснежными

Экология в России и мире

Новая зубная паста Revyline ChocoWhite для укрепления эмали доступна на сайте магазина Ирригатор.ру

Ксения Караулова: о пользе гастродипломатии и новом взгляде на национальную кухню

В исторических парках покажут любимые мультфильмы от СТС Kids ко Дню защиты детей

Стало известно, как туроператоры будут возить российских туристов на курорты Египта

Спорт в России и мире

Елене Рыбакиной поставили неожиданный «диагноз»

Надаль пропустит Уимблдон из-за желания сыграть на Олимпиаде

Надежда Петрова высказалась о перспективах Арины Соболенко снова возглавить рейтинг WTA

Российский теннисист Сафиуллин опустился на две позиции в рейтинге ATP


Аделина Панина: какие элементы фэншуй должны быть на кухне, чтобы есть и худеть

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В Арамиле возбудили уголовное дело из-за "дома-монстра", в котором продолжают жить люди

Топ новостей на этот час


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