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Новости за 27.05.2023


5/26: CBS Evening News

Airports brace for millions of Memorial Day travelers; Former sanitation worker and Harvard Law student honors school's support staff


5/26: CBS News Weekender

Catherine Herridge reports on the Treasury Department's new estimated debt ceiling deadline, an update on the Memorial Day weekend travel rush, and the biggest movies of the summer.


2024 GOP candidates hit campaign trail

The field of Republican candidates seeking the 2024 presidential nomination got a lot more crowded this week. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott entered the race Monday, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced his run on Twitter Wednesday after some technical problems. CBS News political reporter Aaron Navarro takes a look ahead at DeSantis' first Iowa rally next week.


Amid lifeguard shortage, renewed focus on pool safety

As we enter the summer months, millions of children across the country will be making trips to the pool. However, the American Lifeguard Association warns that half of the nation's 309,000 public pools could be forced to close or reduce their hours due to a lifeguard shortage. Carter Evans has details.


As climate change hurts crops, scientists explore new foods

Some scientists believe America's breadbasket could soon be at risk of potentially emptying, and they're warning a relentless drought is harming the nation's wheat crops. Science journalist Jenny Morber, who reports on climate resiliency and food, joined CBS News to discuss how researchers are trying to solve the problem.


Megan Fox opens up about her struggle with body dysmorphia

Actress Megan Fox recently told Sports Illustrated about her struggle with body dysmorphia. The disorder can harm people's self-esteem and interfere with their daily lives. Dr. Daniel Bober, a clinical psychiatrist, joined CBS News to discuss the causes behind the illness and how it can be treated.


Judge temporarily halts South Carolina abortion ban

A state judge on Friday temporarily halted a new South Carolina law that bans nearly all abortions after six weeks. The judge halted the law pending a review by the state's Supreme Court.


Estimated debt ceiling deadline pushed back to June 5, Yellen says

With the White House and Republican congressional leaders still negotiating a deal to raise the nation's debt ceiling, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen provided some positive news Friday, when she pushed back the estimated deadline that the government could begin to default on its debts from June 1 to June 5. Scott MacFarlane has the latest.


Estimated debt ceiling deadline pushed to June 5 as negotiations continue

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced Friday that the estimated deadline that the government could begin to default on its debts has been pushed back from June 1 to June 5, giving negotiators an extra four days to reach a deal on raising the nation's debt ceiling. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has expressed optimism that it will get done in time. CBS News congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane has the latest.


Airports brace for millions of Memorial Day travelers

AAA estimates that more than 42 million Americans will travel this Memorial Day weekend, the highest number since 2005. Of those, 3.4 million are expected to fly to their destination. Kris Van Cleave has more.


Memorial Day weekend travel rush expected to hit pre-pandemic levels

Long lines are forming at airports and train stations across the country as Memorial Day weekend travel gets underway. AAA is estimating that more than 42 million people will travel by car, plane or public transit this holiday weekend. CBS News senior transportation correspondent Kris Van Cleave reports.


Stock markets close strong as debt ceiling talks move forward

The Dow Jones, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq closed in the green Friday, as investors reacted to negotiators making progress in the debt ceiling standoff. Javier David, Axios managing editor for business and markets, and J.D. Durkin, host of TheStreet, joined CBS to explain what the numbers mean for investors and the economy.


U.S. consumers have $986 billion in credit card debt

Americans now carry a record $986 billion worth of credit card debt, according to numbers from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. CBS News MoneyWatch reporter Megan Cerullo explained the reasons behind the staggering number, and shared tips for reducing your debt.


Book excerpt: "The Wind Knows My Name" by Isabel Allende

The New York Times bestselling author of such works as "The House of the Spirits" and "A Long Petal of the Sea" returns with a story that draws parallels between the Holocaust and the plight of children separated from their parents at the U.S. border.

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Василий Анохин – об основных итогах рабочей недели

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Семак: сложно мотивировать команду, когда ты всё время выигрываешь

Миллионы — в хлам. Мажоры и блогеры разбивают в Москве дорогущие машины

В Москве появится ещё 24 современные площадки для прогулок с собаками

«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

Музыкальные новости

"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

Собянин: Москва завершает переход на новый стандарт экстренной медпомощи

Новый транспортный хаб начали строить Казахстан, РФ и Китай

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Новости России

Чалов — в стартовом составе ЦСКА на матч с «Балтикой»

«Воевал за Россию, получи...»: в Ростове-на-Дону толпа отморозков избила до полусмерти ветерана СВО

ЦСКА снова проиграл — у «армейцев» одна победа в шести матчах РПЛ

«Автодор» попросил водителей заправляться заранее после очередей на АЗС на М-12

Экология в России и мире

В День Медика пройдет премия в области здоровья The Medical Stars & Beauty Awards

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье

Спорт в России и мире

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Мирра Андреева обыграла Вондроушову в третьем круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

"Банда четырех" против демократии

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

Топ новостей на этот час


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