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Journal’s content № 3 2024

Actual theme: Visual Images of the Past: New Strategies for Studying

O.M. Khlytina. Images of war and victory in photographs and historical paintings: strategies for studying in a school lesson.
The article describes three strategies of the student analysis of historical painting and photographs in studying history: using them for the reconstruction of the images of the past; studying of the pieces of art in the context of the cultural history; critical analysis of the author’s assessments and interpretations embodied in the visual sources. There was proposed the system of the questions and the tasks for the pictures and the photographs, created by the contemporaries and the descendants of the events of the Great Patriotic war, which helps to learn how to analyze them as the visual historical sources.
Keywords: illustrations, historical painting, photography, visual historical sources, history lesson.

Yu.V. Druzhinina. «Hey, goalkeeper, get ready to fight…»: an appeal to the materials of Soviet propaganda textiles in the study of sports life in the 20th-30s of the twentieth century in school history classes.
The article shows variants of the organization of educational activity of students with the materials of propaganda textiles in the study of sports life of the Soviet state in the 20-30-s of the twentieth century. The article proposes the tasks that require referring to multi-genre sources and artificial intelligence. The conclusion is made about the importance of using propaganda textiles in the study of history for pupils to understand the policy of the Soviet state in the sports sphere and to learn the symbols of that period.
Keywords: Soviet propaganda textiles, 1920-1930, history of sports life, Soviet Union.
History and Society.

History and Society

I.S. Mokshina, T.Yu. Nechaeva. 1812 in Russian journalism.
The era of the Patriotic War of 1812 had a huge impact on the further development of Russia, its politics, economy, culture, caused a rise in national consciousness, led to the development of a social movement and social thought, including opposition. One of the main sources of information about the progress of military operations and the development of the people’s war against the enemy was the periodical press. Periodicals and military journalism reflected the public mood and ideological differences of the time.
Keywords: periodicals, military journalism, genres of periodicals, information, charity, patriotism, feat of the people, Napoleonic propaganda, national identity

V.L. Danoyan. Legislative activity of Nicholas I in the field of urban public administration.
The article studies the state activity aimed at reforming the bodies of urban public administration and self-government during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, with the exception of the development and introduction of the City Regulations of 1846 in St. Petersburg.
Keywords: urban public self-government, legislation, city council, town halls, reforms, complete collection of laws of the Russian empire, Nicholas I.

O.P. Okopnaya. Typhus epidemic in Russia during the Civil War: scale, control measures, prevention.
The article shows the scale of the epidemiological catastrophe in Russia during the Civil War caused by typhus. The characteristic of the organization of anti-epidemic measures and sanitary provision is given. The author draws attention to the quality of medical care and notes that evacuation remained a weak point of medicine during the years of the military clash. A special role in the victory over the epidemic is given to preventive measures, as well as scientific and educational work.
Keywords: sick wars, civil war, typhus epidemic control organization, prevention, losses, prevention.

K.A. Zverev. Teaching history in schools of the Baltic republics: transforming the memory of the past.
The article is devoted to the problem of teaching history in the Baltic republics. With the acquisition of independence, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania’s assessments of the past changed significantly, and the years of independence developed their own view of history, which predetermined changes in the school history course, including for schools of national minorities. This view of the past took shape in the form of a national policy of memory, which can be reduced to the interpretation of the Soviet period of history as the «Soviet occupation», the idealization of the republics of the 1920-1930s. (in relation to which modern Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania announced succession); presentation of the entire preceding period of its own history as a struggle for independence from foreign invaders. All this predetermined a negative attitude towards Russia and its role in the history of the region, as well as a very tendentious presentation of joint history. At the same time, it should be noted that these interpretations of the past were accepted by the local titular population, but only partly by the Russian-speaking minority.
Keywords: teaching history, historical memory, Baltic republics, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russian-speaking population.

V.D. Anisimov. Development of the project of introduction of elements of physical culture in the production process in the years of the first five-year plan.
The article analyses the initial stage of the Soviet project on introduction of elements of physical culture in the production process in the years of the first five-year plan. The issues of management, financing, personnel support of experimental works at Soviet enterprises were considered.
Keywords: physical culture, project, research, productivity, production process, soviet industry.


N.V. Grishuk. Homework in Teaching History: Reloaded!?
The artide discusses the main problems of organizing homework in histori, Offers didactic technigues that increase the efficiency of designing homework in history.
Keywords: homework, algorithm of academic work.

F.A. Taktasheva. Possibilities of using Telegram messenger in the practice of teaching historical disciplines at the university.
The article considers the possibilities of using messengerTelegramin education. The experience of using Telegram in teaching history disciplines at Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University is presented.
Keywords: Telegram messenger, digital competence, information and communication technologies, historical disciplines.

M.S. Ruzhnikov, O.V. Meshcheryakova. Using generative artificial intelligence to develop critical thinking among schoolchildren in history lessons (using the example of the topic «The Beginning of the Reign of Peter I»).
The article presents a lesson in studying new material on history, aimed at developing knowledge about the beginning of the reign of Peter I. Examples are given of the use of generative artificial intelligence to support the development of critical thinking of schoolchildren in history lessons at the level of basic general education.
Key words: history lesson, reign of Peter I, learning new material, artificial intelligence in education.

Uniform State Exam

R.V. Pazin. Thematic tests for the section «Cognition».
The publication contains thematic assignments for the section «Cognition» of the X grade social studies course.
Keywords: social studies, tests, Uniform State Exam, cognition.

Young scientists’ works

D.A. Shapovalenko. The uprising of Stepan Razin in the context of military history of the 17th century.
The article examines the movement led by Stepan Razin from the point of view of military history. It covers topics related to tactics, logistics and command of the Russian army during the Razin «troubles». Taking into account the number of troops involved in suppressing the rebellion and the consequences that were reflected in the further history of our country, consideration of this event in the military aspect is very promising.
Keywords: Razin, Cossacks, Don, army, government, Alexey Mikhailovich.

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