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Новости за 03.05.2023

«The Rio Times» 

More Colombians travel abroad, and Venezuela enters the top 10 destinations in 2023

By Daniel Salazar Castellanos Amid the blow received by the domestic air market, especially destinations such as San Andres, due to the crisis generated by Viva and Ultra Air, more Colombians are traveling abroad, according to figures from the Colombian Association of Travel Agencies and Tourism (Anato). Anato’s report shows that in the first quarter […]

«The Rio Times» 

President-elect of Paraguay wants to boost ties with Venezuela

Paraguay’s president-elect, Santiago Peña, affirmed this May 2 that the relationship with Venezuela must continue to be boosted since they are two “brother countries.” “Thank you very much (Venezuelan President) Nicolás Maduro for the congratulations.” “Paraguay and Venezuela are brotherly countries that have to continue strengthening ties for the good of their peoples,” Peña said […]

«The Rio Times» 

Cuba and Russia discuss development prospects, investments, and cooperation projects

Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Ricardo Cabrisas received this May 2 the Economic Advisor to the Russian Presidency, Maxim Oreshkin, with whom he talked about future cooperation projects between the two countries. “Russia constitutes for Cuba the second trading partner at the regional level and the fifth at the global level, with a growing trend in […]

«The Rio Times» 

Copper: Argentina aims to be in the global top 10

Argentina has a world-class copper project under construction and three others in advanced stages of development. This will enable the South American country to become one of the world’s top ten producers over the next decade, producing around 810,000 tonnes annually. According to the Energy Secretariat, the promising prospects for copper development are part of […]

«The Rio Times» 

Violence in Haiti: lynching with five dead 

Amid the wave of violence that has engulfed Haiti for years, a group of residents of Pétion-ville in Port-au-Prince lynched members of the armed group Ti Makak on Tuesday (2). The criminals were forcibly driven from the neighborhood, beaten, interrogated, and burned. The bodies of four dead were scattered along the road leading to the […]

«The Rio Times» 

The longest cruise in the world lasts three years

Many people can't imagine being "stuck" on a cruise ship for more than a few days. But a group of travelers are so passionate about maritime tourism that they dream of living on an ocean liner. This second group is exactly the target audience for the world's longest cruise, which will last three years and […]

«The Rio Times» 

Political newcomer leads poll in Guatemala presidential race

Businessman and political newcomer Carlos Pineda is the favorite of voters ahead of Guatemala’s June 25 presidential election, according to a poll released Tuesday (2). Voters will choose a successor to President Alejandro Giammattei, whose term ends in January 2024. The Prensa Libre poll found Pineda supported by 23.1% of respondents, followed by former first […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian Federal Police holds Bolsonaro’s former aide

By Cristyan Costa The Brazilian Federal Police (PF) arrested Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, former aide to orders of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), on Wednesday, 3, during Operation Venire. The investigation occurs within the scope of the digital militias inquiry, led by Justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Court. The PF investigates a group […]

«The Rio Times» 

US banking panic: PacWest Bancorp plunges 30% on Wall Street after reporting losses 

Far from being over, the banking crisis in the United States only continues to show signs of worsening. This time it was the turn of PacWest Bancorp, one of the most important California-based holding companies. The bank suffered a violent stock fall of up to 35% in the financial market of Wall Street and closed […]

«The Rio Times» 

Chile’s economic activity fell by 2.1% in March: forecasts suggest a recession 

The Central Bank of Chile officially revealed that the IMACEC activity index suffered a 0.1% drop in March 2023 and a 2.1% retraction compared to last year. The collapse exceeded all analysts’ forecasts, who expected a negative variation of between 1.3% and 1.7% for the same month. Thus, the country’s real economic activity deepened a […]

«The Rio Times» 

Argentina: more tariff increases in May

Economy Minister Sergio Massa‘s team does not show a plan and limits itself to managing the violent rhythm of the Argentine nominal rate. The Government authorized increases on the main public service tariffs, practically the only tool to contain public expenditure within the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). One of the strongest impacts […]

«The Rio Times» 

Russia cuts off gas supplies to Armenia after its rapprochement with Washington

By Santiago Vera Garcia Gazprom Armenia has decided to stop gas supplies from Russia to Armenia amid tensions between the two countries over the lack of Russian support for the Armenian cause in the Nagorno-Karabakh region, which has forced Armenia to move closer to the United States. Since its independence in the 1990s, the Republic […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil has maintained a favorable trade balance with Argentina in 19 of the last 30 years

The trade balance between Argentina and Brazil has been in deficit for the Argentine economy in 19 of the last 30 years, with a determining incidence in sectors such as automobiles, iron agglomerates, oil, electric power, and tractors. The historical evolution, according to INDEC data, indicates that Brazilian exports tilted the trade balance in favor […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Embraer plans to launch an electric flying car by 2026

By Rodrigo Viga Embraer is expected to launch the first flying car in Brazil by 2026. The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) has already released R$490 million (US$97.9 million) for the project. The vehicle's name is eVTOL, developed by Embraer-X, the company's high-technology arm. The project has partners from various areas and […]

«The Rio Times» 

Balloon rides in Brazil

When the subject is to enjoy Brazil's scenery from above, aboard balloons, balloon rides are all over Brazil. Inland cities, such as Boituva (SP), are among the pioneers in the activity. Brotas (SP), famous for its extreme water sports, has also entered the flight path! Other destinations around the country are already starting to bet […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil ranks 5th in requests for internet content removal

A survey conducted by Google showed that Brazil occupies the 5th place in the world ranking of government requests for content removal on the internet. In the 2nd semester of 2022, 1,591 requests received by the company were accounted for. Brazil is only behind Russia (36,137), South Korea (5,639), Turkey (1,538), and India (2,799). Since […]

«The Rio Times» 

The US will stop requiring the Covid vaccine for travelers on May 11

The White House announced on Monday (May 1) that on May 11, it will end the requirement to provide proof of Covid-19 vaccine for travelers and US government employees. “Today we announced that the government will end the Covid-19 vaccine requirement for federal employees, contractors, and air travelers by the end of May 11, the […]

«The Rio Times» 

Chilean economy recovers quarter by quarter, says Finance Minister

The Chilean economy is recovering quarter by quarter, even though the Monthly Index of Economic Activity (Imacec) fell 2.1% last March, compared to the same period last year, Finance Minister Mario Marcel said Tuesday. “When we combine the March figure with January and February, we have the complete quarter; we have this quarter’s growth concerning […]

«The Rio Times» 

Mexico’s economy loses momentum in the second quarter, experts say

Mexico’s economy began to lose momentum in the second quarter of 2023, in line with the slowdown shown by some leading global indicators, the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives (IMEF) said Tuesday. “Although the tone of economic growth prevails, the dynamism of the trade and services sector lost some strength, while the rebound of the […]

«The Rio Times» 

The BRICS Bank may change rules to help Argentina, says Lula

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) said this Tuesday (2) that the New Development Bank, known as the BRICS Bank, is considering changing its internal regulations so that countries outside the bloc can receive financial aid from the group's members. The goal is that the entity can help Argentina through guarantees so that Brazilian […]

«The Rio Times» 

Turtle and electronic anklet: the most bizarre items are forgotten in Uber

Who has never forgotten keys, wallet, charger, or toiletry case inside the car? Considering this type of everyday incident is so common, it's unsurprising that Uber has decided to collect annual data on objects lost inside vehicles on runs. However, the seventh edition of the survey has revealed some weird things left inside Uber cars […]

«The Rio Times» 

Elon Musk criticizes false information from Brazilian journalist: “It’s ridiculous”

Businessman Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, criticized this Tuesday (2) misinformation released by journalist Daniela Lima, from CNN Brazil, in a live broadcast. On Monday (1), the journalist said she could not post a tweet and made the false inference that Twitter's algorithm was filtering content related to the Fake News bill, which is […]

«The Rio Times» 

Cuba is seeking foreign investments to boost tourism

Cuba’s Ministry of Tourism (Mintur) presented on Tuesday the Portfolio of Opportunities for business and foreign investment in that sector, which seeks to boost the so-called Leisure Industry in the Caribbean island. “There is growing interest from foreign companies to invest in our country and especially in our sector,” said Mintur Business Director Suyen Rivero […]

Силовики задержали вместе с 12-м фигурантом дела «Крокуса» Курбоновым его брата

Эксперты назвали самые красивые места для путешествий по РФ для любителей цветов

Михаил Кокляев провёл разминку для гостей выставки «Россия»

Проект мирового масштаба: как модернизация БАМа изменит страну

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The Telegraph сообщила о планах Британии создать собственные ракеты к 2030 году

Блогер Асхаб Тамаев попал в ДТП около Москва-Сити

Проект мирового масштаба: как модернизация БАМа изменит страну

Блогер Тамаев попал в аварию в Москве

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В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в краже дорогостоящего электрооборудования

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ подвел производственные итоги первого квартала 2024 года

Студент БРХК Аюш Булчун стал лауреатом конкурса «Арабеск-2024»

Новости России

Михаил Кокляев провёл разминку для гостей выставки «Россия»

«Блестящие профессионалы»: Московский зоопарк поздравил ветеринаров с прадником

В Москве арестован бывший подчиненный замминистра обороны Иванова

Более 1,6 тысячи жителей Пушкинского написали «Диктант Победы»

Экология в России и мире

В День Медика пройдет премия в области здоровья The Medical Stars & Beauty Awards

Весенние субботники прошли на предприятиях «Московского» филиала ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис»

Радио Romantika приглашает погрузиться в мир киномузыки

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Спорт в России и мире

Прямая трансляция матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за выход в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде

Шикарный и практичный стиль Елены Джокович из базовых вещей

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо


Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

Портативный ТСД корпоративного класса Saotron RT-T70

ТСД SAOTRON RT-T50: высокопроизводительный терминал сбора данных промышленного класса

Топ новостей на этот час


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