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Новости за 26.05.2023

«The Rio Times» 

Crocodiles and buffaloes displace families in central Mozambique

The district government of Marromeu, in central Mozambique, will transfer 1,500 families threatened by attacks from buffaloes and crocodiles at their places of residence, the leader of the local administration told Lusa on Thursday. The local authorities recorded the death of three people because of attacks in the first quarter of this year, said Henriqueta […]

«The Rio Times» 

Capeverdean Business Bank profits rise 17% in 2022 to €4.7 million

Banco Caboverdiano de Negócios (BCN) recorded profits of €4.7 million in 2022, an increase of almost 17% compared to the previous year, indicating the institution's report and accounts, consulted today by Lusa. According to the document, despite the profits generated by that bank - which was led for several years by the Portuguese ex-Banif - […]

«The Rio Times» 

Mozambique approves pay cuts for ministers and parliamentarians

By Luzia Santos The Mozambican Council of Ministers recently approved a reduction in remuneration and representation allowances for ministers, vice-ministers, secretaries of state, and parliamentarians, among other holders and members of public bodies. The proposal also revises the remuneration of members of provincial assemblies, which are at values "much higher than those of executive bodies […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian tourist spending abroad totaled US$1.235 billion in April – Central Bank

By Larissa Garcia and Alex Ribeiro Brazilians spent US$1.235 billion in April on international travel, against US$1.098 billion in the same month of 2022, according to the Central Bank (BC). Foreigners who were in the country left behind US$452 million, against US$394 million in April 2022. Thus, a travel account deficit of US$784 million in […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil’s Ibovespa advances with commodities support but moves away from the highs

By Augusto Decker The Ibovespa operates in high on Friday but moved away from the day's highs. The index touched 111,000 points at the beginning of the trading session, but the turnaround in the shares of banks, which have important weight, reduced the session's gains. The news from abroad and commodities are on the radar […]

«The Rio Times» 

Portugal paves way for Huawei ban on the country’s 5G

A new assessment by Portugal’s government could mean a major blow to Huawei’s ambitions in the country and Europe, as the publication of a document by the Portuguese government’s Security Assessment Commission on Friday pondered a possible ban on some 5G equipment in the country. This would mean a turnaround in national cybersecurity policy and […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: public debt grows less than projected in 2022 and has a moderate risk for 2023

An analysis conducted by the Federal Audit Court (TCU) indicated that the federal public debt grew less than projected for 2022 and has a moderate risk from 2023 to 2028. The accounts were analyzed in the 17th session and released on Thursday (25). The TCU states that the federal public debt stock calculated for the […]

«The Rio Times» 

Honduras’ accession to CAF on hold after failure to ratify the agreement

By Fátima Romero The ratification of Honduras’ accession as the twenty-first country to join the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) is still on hold following the lack of support from opposition deputies. In April 2022, Honduras expressed its interest in becoming “as soon as possible” a full member of CAF; its entry was unanimously […]

«The Rio Times» 

Boric appoints new Chilean ambassador to Venezuela after years of estrangement

By Maolis Castro Chilean President Gabriel Boric appointed socialist Jaime Gazmuri Mujica as Chile’s ambassador to Venezuela. The appointment took place Thursday (25), after five years of a vacant position due to the political divorce between both countries. With the appointment, La Moneda Palace is trying to normalize diplomatic relations with Miraflores, especially to approach […]

«The Rio Times» 

Colombia reconsiders oil exploration due to lower self-sufficiency margin

By Oscar Medina and Eric Martin According to a senior official, Colombia is studying the need for more exploration contracts after a report showed oil and gas reserves are in decline. The government wants to lead a transition away from fossil fuels while limiting any negative impact on the economy, Trade Minister German Umaña said […]

«The Rio Times» 

What is benzene, the substance detected in the Chilean city of Quintero?

The Chilean authorities of the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) warned of high levels of benzene in the air in the municipalities of Quintero and Puchuncaví in a new episode of atmospheric saturation by pollutants in the area. The area has been designated as a “sacrifice zone” due to operating a copper smelter and an […]

«The Rio Times» 

A documentary about Sebastián Moro, the journalist who died during the coup in Bolivia 

By Sebastián Ochoa The death of the Argentine journalist during the coup against Evo Morales in 2019 has not yet been clarified by the Bolivian justice system. Filmmaker María Laura Cali spoke to Sputnik about the premiere of the documentary 'Sebastián Moro, el caminante', which recounts the last days of the reporter's life in La […]

«The Rio Times» 

Good news: Lima direct flight to Aruba

Experience pure culture in Machu Picchu and then relax on Eagle Beach! The new direct connection between Lima and Aruba will open up new travel worlds starting December 2, 2023. LATAM will connect Peru's capital with Aruba three times a week, creating the best conditions for putting the icing on the cake for exciting round […]

«The Rio Times» 

The second exodus of Ecuadorians

Ecuador is facing a second exodus of its population. The first one happened during the late 1990s and early 2000s economic crisis. Due to unresolved problems, the country is experiencing another escalation of migration. The population, especially from the middle and lower economic classes, is fleeing their homeland. At least four factors play a role […]

«The Rio Times» 

New stablecoins for the Latin American market

As part of a new initiative, three new stablecoins will be introduced for the Latin American market. These will maintain price parity with the Mexican peso (MXN), the Colombian peso (COP), and the Brazilian real (BRL). This was announced on May 24 by the decentralized financial protocol (DeFi) Num Finance, which is preparing the launch […]

«The Rio Times» 

Presidential elections in Guatemala: another candidate ruled out

Guatemala’s Constitutional Court has thrown a second candidate out of the race for the presidential nomination. This comes when the Central American country is the target of criticism and concern that some organizations see a risk of an unfair electoral process. In a Thursday (25) statement, the court said it had rejected three appeals by […]

«The Rio Times» 

Argentina: another lithium project comes on stream

The Olaroz-Cauchari project of mining company Exar will begin production and the first export of lithium carbonate in a few days. It will be the third plant in Argentina to come on stream, following the construction of the US$976 million processing plant at the salt flats in the department of Susques in Jujuy. The president […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Lula sanctions law that allows the sale of carbon credits in forest concessions

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has sanctioned, with a veto, Law No. 14.590, which amends three other laws, and releases the sale of carbon credits in forest concession areas. For lawyers heard by ESG Practice, the move is an initial step for Brazil to follow through on its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian industry costs rise 10.7% in 2022 – CNI report

By Victor Moraes Industry costs in Brazil registered a 10.7% increase in 2022, compared to the previous year, according to the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). According to business people, the increase was related to three major factors: production costs, capital, and taxes. The production costs are linked to the heating up of the labor […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil’s Bank of Development announces US$4 billion for industry

By Fernando de Castro The National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) approved R$20 billion (US$4 billion) in resources for investments in innovation in the country. The institution's president, Aloizio Mercadante, announced the subsidy on Thursday, 25, during an event for industry business people at the Federation of Industries of the State of São […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Petrobras resubmits application for licensing at the mouth of the Amazon River

Petrobras resubmitted on Thursday (25) the request for oil exploration in the basin of the mouth of the Amazon River. The president of the state-owned company, Jean Paul Prates, announced the decision on social networks. On the last day, 17, the president of Ibama, Rodrigo Agostinho, denied the license requested by the company. "As agreed […]

«The Rio Times» 

Cristina Kirchner asks Argentina to “leave aside” the IMF program

Argentina’s vice president, leftist Cristina Kirchner, on Thursday (25), called for “national unity” to “set aside” the program agreed between the country’s government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), considering that under the current terms, “it will be impossible” to pay the debt with the institution. “If we don’t manage to put aside the program […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian court fines Covid-19 early treatment advocates US$11 million

The Federal Court of Rio Grande do Sul sentenced the advocates of early treatment against Covid-19 to a fine of R$55 million (US$11 million) for collective moral damage to health. The decision was released this Thursday (25) by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF). The prosecution filed two lawsuits against the group Doctors for Life and […]

На парад Победы в Москве запретили проносить вейпы, флаги и воздушные шары

Мособлдума поздравила с праздником работников скорой помощи

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Новости России

В юмористическом формате прошел отчетный концерт Детско-юношеского центра в Магадане

Минздрав: большая часть оборудования в скорых стала отечественной

В Москве 27 апреля выпало больше месячной нормы осадков

Деньги быстрые, но опасные: Почему люди доверили сомнительной бирже в Москве 400 млн

Экология в России и мире

Врач-гигиенист сети клиник «Мегастом» Ольга Жидких: как правильно ухаживать на полостью рта и зубов

5 лучших бьюти-средств для тела на весну

Радио Romantika приглашает погрузиться в мир киномузыки

За какими шедеврами едут в деревню Ковалёво Нижегородской области

Спорт в России и мире

Кто отец Дианы Джокович?

Хачанов обыграл Баутиста-Агуту в третьем круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде

Азаренко не смогла пробиться в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде, уступив Соррибес-Тормо

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


Химик рассказала, какие витамины и БАДы усваиваются в масляной форме

Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

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Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

Топ новостей на этот час


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