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Новости за 11.05.2023

«The Rio Times» 

Inflation in Mozambique slows to a 12-month low

Mozambique's year-on-year inflation slowed in April to a 12-month low, according to the latest data released today by the National Statistics Institute (INE). Inflation returned to single-digit figures, reaching 9.61% during April, 1.22 percentage points less than in March. Some foods became cheaper, such as corn grain, cooking oil, coconut, lettuce, and chicken, as well […]

«The Rio Times» 

Credit to the economy in Cape Verde grew 5% to more than €1.227 billion in 2022

Credit to the Cape Verdean economy reached a new high at the end of 2022, exceeding €1.227 billion, an increase of more than 5% in one year, according to official central bank data compiled today by Lusa. "Credit to the economy increased 5.3% in 2022, presenting, however, a slowdown compared to the 6.1% growth recorded […]

«The Rio Times» 

Prices of the Angolan basic food basket decreased due to the Strategic Food Reserve

The Angolan Strategic Food Reserve (REA) has contributed "directly and notably" to the "reduction and stabilization" of the prices of basic food basket products in Angola, despite this phenomenon "not yet being widely felt" by Angolans. Afrosondagem's study on the impact of the REA on the behavior of basic food basket products in Angola, carried […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opposition criticizes “deep change” for Cape Verde’s recognition of Morocco

The president of the PAICV, the largest Cape Verdean opposition party, Rui Semedo, criticized today the territorial recognition of Morocco announced by the government, led by the MpD, for being a "profound change" and without consulting the commitments made internationally. "The content of this pronouncement represents a profound change in Cape Verde's foreign policy," the […]

«The Rio Times» 

Under Bolsonaro, inequality in Brazil fell to the lowest level in a decade

The increase in employment and the expansion of subsidies have allowed inequality in Brazil to fall in 2022 to the lowest level in the last decade, according to a study released this Thursday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The Gini index, which continues to position Brazil as one of the most […]

«The Rio Times» 

The Red Cross in Nicaragua is disbanded

The Nicaraguan National Assembly on Wednesday (10) approved the repeal of Decree 357, which created the Red Cross in 1958, and at the same time passed a law that creates a legal successor to that institution. However, this will now be placed under the Ministry of Health. The explanatory memorandum to the decree submitted by […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian Anvisa revokes covid restrictions for cruise ship travel

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) revoked two previous resolutions, from September to November 2022, which required passengers to present proof of vaccination against Covid-19 or a negative test to board cruise ships. With the decision made by the Joint Board of Directors on Wednesday 10, shipping companies are no longer obliged to require these […]

«The Rio Times» 

Rally reversal: what’s behind Bitcoin’s 6% drop in May

By Suvashree Ghosh and Sidhartha Shukla* Analysts point to industry-specific risks, including transaction congestion on Bitcoin's blockchain, weaker liquidity in digital asset markets, and regulatory tightening in the US. Bitcoin has gone from leader to the bottom of the global performance market scoreboard amid congestion on its blockchain and concerns about decreased liquidity in cryptoactive […]

«The Rio Times» 

BRICS leaders to discuss common currency to challenge US Dollar dominance in upcoming summit

By Kevin Helms The BRICS countries are planning to discuss the feasibility of introducing a common currency at their upcoming leaders’ summit, which will be hosted by South Africa on Aug. 22 in Johannesburg. While noting that she does not like “preempting BRICS leaders’ discussions,” South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazilian Finance Minister travels to Japan to ask for help … for Argentina

Brazilian Minister of Finance Fernando Haddad is in Japan to attend the G7 meeting, which brings together the world's leading economies. In the bilateral meeting with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the minister asked for help in the bailout of Argentina. "We are very concerned about what is happening to our neighbor," he said. "And […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: with Telegram case, Fake News inquiry inaugurates in Brazil sentence without defense

By Hugo Freitas (Opionion) During the military dictatorship, texts in newspapers were famously replaced by cooking recipes. At the time, prior censorship was practiced, with the content being subjected to state control before publication; rejected excerpts were submitted to the expedient by choice of the publications as a form of silent protest. In Brazil 2023, […]

«The Rio Times» 

Latin American music: a catalyst for global pop culture

Latin American music has permeated global pop culture with its captivating rhythms, leaving an indelible impression on music lovers worldwide. You can hear this music everywhere: at parties, live football betting, streets, etc. From the infectious beats of salsa to the sensual melodies of bossa nova, Latin music styles have captivated audiences and influenced artists […]

«The Rio Times» 

Ecuador: historic trade agreement with China

The trade agreement that Ecuador signed with China on May 11 is historic. It is historic because of the economic impact it will have and because it will surpass what has been achieved so far with other markets such as Europe. China has become the country’s most important trading partner, surpassing the United States, with […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: Haiti is being abandoned

(Opinion) The government of Haiti does not have the resources to protect its people. According to the United Nations (U.N.), gang violence has claimed the lives of more than 600 people in the past month. Volker Turk, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said, "Every report I receive from Haiti underscores the extent of […]

«The Rio Times» 

Nearshoring faces technical talent shortage in Latin America

By Zenyazen Flores Latin America is the strategic destination for nearshoring due to its proximity to North America. However, the relocation of companies has come up against a talent deficit of technical personnel required to implement electromobility and the energy transition in the region. The shortage of specialized talent affects all of Latin America. It […]

«The Rio Times» 

Is Belize an emerging market for investors? Here’s what one expert says

By Fatima Romero The global economy is facing challenges and uncertainties that practically force investors to look to diversify their portfolios, and in Central America, two countries may be a good option. Panama and Belize stand out in the isthmus for their economic stability, business-friendly environments, and growth prospects of 4.2% and 5% by 2023, […]

«The Rio Times» 

Argentina is heading for bankruptcy as it tries to shore up its currency

By Scott Squires Argentina’s attempts to keep its currency from devaluing further are leaving the central bank short of reserves, according to estimates. The country has already spent all of its international liquid reserves, adding another US$1 billion, according to Buenos Aires-based consultancy 1816 Economía & Estrategia, raising risks as the nation faces a historic […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Federal Police unleashes new phase of Operation Harms Homeland to identify those involved in the 8 de Janeiro

The Brazilian Federal Police (PF) opened on Thursday morning (11), the 11th phase of Operation Lesa Pátria (Harms Homeland), which aims to identify financiers, participants, and promoters of the January 8 acts. Twenty-two search and seizure warrants are being served in the states of São Paulo (SP), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), and Paraná (PR). […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Folha newspaper accuses pro-Lula influencers of “publishing false information” and “attacking journalists”

By Rhuan C. Soletti Last Tuesday (9), Folha de São Paulo published a report denouncing pro-Lula influencers for "publishing distorted or false information, in addition to attacks on journalists." According to the newspaper, the far-left activists allegedly repeat "tactics of pro-Bolsonaro digital militants." In the report, the newspaper claims that some of those accused of […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: US banking crisis and government debts; now even China alone can plunge the American economy into the stone age

(Opinion) “A bunch of dead banks in a cemetery” – Elon Musk artistically described the situation. The media report on the growing risks in foreign financial policy in connection with public debt, the liquidity of which is rapidly falling. Thus, The Washington Post predicts a likely catastrophic collapse of the “inverted dollar pyramid in the […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: industrial production starts the year in the negative

By Artur Piva Monitoring the sector's production, the monthly Industrial Survey (PIM) data remained negative in March for the year-to-date. The quarter marks the beginning of President Lula's 3rd mandate. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released the results on Wednesday 10. In March, there was an increase concerning the previous month (1.1%), […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: bars fall, censorship rises

By Alexandre Garcia* (Opinion) On Wednesday, President Lula ordered the removal of the bars that had protected the Planalto Palace since the Dilma administration when people mobilized, calling for the president's impeachment. He went to the sidewalk to see the work and said they could now have better photographs of the palace without the bars. […]

РИА «Новости»: брата арестованного Курбонова ранее привлекали за хулиганство

Дискуссии о будущем местного самоуправления во Владимирской области

Фигурант дела о госизмене, диверсиях и теракте Малина частично признал вину

И куда смотрит Екатерина Михайловна Мизулина (и вся "Лига безопасного интернета")?

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Расчехляем шампуры. Где в нашем округе безопасно и с комфортом пожарить шашлык

Протоиерей Козлов: традиция посещать кладбища перед Пасхой возникла при Хрущеве

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Минтруда помогло кыргызстанцу в Москве получить 715 тысяч рублей

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«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре

звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week

Новости России

«К сожалению»: смогут ли клиенты криптобиржи Beribit вернуть свои деньги

Эксперты назвали самые красивые места для путешествий по РФ для любителей цветов

"Неприятные сюрпризы": В Подмосковье обнаружили около десятка БПЛА после таяния снега

Порция шашлыка на человека не должна быть более 150 граммов

Экология в России и мире

Почему люди боятся обращаться к психиатру?

Отдых во имя открытий

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Спецвыпуск журнала «Стратегии развития» посвященный героям Великой Отечественной войны и Специальной военной операции

Спорт в России и мире

Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис


В Екатеринбурге будут судить уроженца Армении, устроившего дорожный конфликт со стрельбой

ТСД SAOTRON RT-T50: высокопроизводительный терминал сбора данных промышленного класса

Тихий вечер...

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