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Новости за 15.05.2023

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Petrobras has devalued US$17.33 billion since the elections

Petrobras has lost R$84.8 billion (US$17.33) in market value since the results of the second round of the presidential elections. It went from R$448.7 billion on October 28, 2022, to R$363.9 billion on Friday (May 12, 2023). The survey was conducted by Einar Rivero, TradeMap's commercial head, upon request from Poder360. On the first business […]

«The Rio Times» 

Azul Airlines announces direct flight Curitiba-Montevideo

Azul announced that starting in the second half of this year, it will fly from Curitiba, state of Paraná, Brazil, to Montevideo, Uruguay. The new flight will be performed thrice a week and operated with Embraer E2 aircraft, which can carry up to 136 passengers. Sales are expected to begin in June, the month in […]

«The Rio Times» 

Peruvian coffee: lights and shadows of an uncertain campaign

Last year, Peruvian coffee bean exports reached their highest level in more than ten years. A decline is expected this year, with plantations affected by climate change. New rules in the European market are also putting producers on alert. Last year, coffee became Peru’s third most important agricultural export product, behind grapes and blueberries. As […]

«The Rio Times» 

Gigantic NASA balloon flies over South America

In recent weeks, a giant balloon has flown over South America. Although it was initially suspected that it was another spy balloon or UFO, like those seen in North America in February, it turned out to be an object launched by NASA for scientific purposes. It is a new advanced telescope carried by a balloon […]

«The Rio Times» 

Rise in violent crime in Latin America: deadly influx of illegal guns

Murders are on the rise in Latin America. In Ecuador, after a sharp drop in homicides through 2016, the murder rate rose from 6 to 15 per 100,000 population in 2021 to 26 in 2022. In Jamaica, the murder rate is approaching 50, while in Honduras, it is estimated at 36 in 2022. (By comparison, […]

«The Rio Times» 

Dominican Republic: tourism boom continues

Cumulative tourist arrivals in the Dominican Republic increased by 35.7% in the first four months of the year compared to 2022. This was announced on Monday (15) by David Collado, Minister of Tourism. According to the report, 3,745,475 travelers visited the Caribbean dream destination in January-April, compared to 2,758,703 a year ago. Presenting the statistical […]

«The Rio Times» 

Dominican Mining announces cease of operations at Cerro Maimón due to labor stoppage

The Dominican Mining Corporation (Cormidom), a branch of Australian Perilya, announced the suspension of operations at the Cerro Maimon mine, in the center of the country, amid a work stoppage. “To safeguard the integrity of its employees and future operations, the shareholders of Cormidom, which operates the Cerro de Maimón mine, have taken the difficult […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: inland shipping cargo transportation shows a positive balance for the third consecutive month

Inland navigation cargo transportation in Brazil presented a positive balance for the third consecutive month. The National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) released the data. The survey shows that 9.3 million tonnes were transported between Brazilian inland terminals in the first quarter of the year, representing an increase of 4.12% compared to the same period in […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil removes from the pedestal the princess who abolished slavery 135 years ago

By Joan Royo Gual The withdrawal of an award in honor of Princess Isabel, who signed the law that freed thousands of blacks in 1888, revives the debate on a figure elevated to heroine status by official history. Guarded as one of its greatest treasures, Brazil keeps a parchment with letters of delicate calligraphy that […]

«The Rio Times» 

Dengue type 3 resurges in Brazil and worries specialists

The recent resurgence of dengue virus serotype 3 in Brazil - which has not caused an epidemic in the country for more than 15 years - has raised the alarm about the risk of a new disease epidemic caused by this viral serotype. A study coordinated by Fiocruz Amazônia and by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Eletrobras lost 30% in market value since Lula’s election

Eletrobras has registered a 30% drop in market value since Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's election in October 2022. On Friday (12(, the company was valued at R$80.5 billion (US$16.4 billion), while its common shares closed at R$35.3 (US$7.19). The information is from the Poder360 website. The Ibovespa, Brazili's main Stock Exchange index, fell 6.5% […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: Moraes and the “spontaneous confessions”

By J. R. Guzzo* (Opinion) Justice Alexandre de Moraes, the President of the Republic, and the national left-wing demand the approval in Congress of a law to control the internet that opens Brazil to the miseries of political censorship. They get excited every day, saying that it is not this - they even want to […]

«The Rio Times» 

Nicaragua: Ortega’s regime revokes political prisoners’ lawyer registration

The Nicaraguan Supreme Court of Justice this week definitively revoked the license of Yonarqui de los Ángeles Martínez García, a lawyer who defends dozens of political prisoners under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega. It is the first time the Supreme Court has suspended a lawyer for life from exercising her functions since the socio-political crisis […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: Petrobras confirms discussion on change in fuel pricing policy

Petrobras said on Sunday (14) that it would discuss, early this week, a change in its pricing policy for diesel and gasoline. "The Company clarifies that any changes will be based on technical studies, in compliance with governance practices and the applicable internal procedures," it said in a statement. Currently, the value of fuels is […]

«The Rio Times» 

Decades behind, Brazil has much to learn from champion countries in basic sanitation

By Raquel Hoshino With 35 million people without drinking water and almost 100 million (44.2% of the population) without access to a sewage system, according to data from the Trata Brasil Institute, Brazil went even further back in basic sanitation last month, with two decrees signed by President Lula changing the Sanitation Framework. According to […]

«The Rio Times» 

Brazil: poor prospects undermine Lula’s promise to repeat his past success in the economy

By Silvio Ribas President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) promised national prosperity, saying his third term would feature economic growth averaged over the first two governments (2003 to 2010) - around 4% per year. But the outlook for the next few years indicates that the promise will unlikely be kept. "In these next four […]

«The Rio Times» 

From India to Portugal: meet the 10 most beautiful castles in the world

Thanks to fairy tales, castles live in the popular imagination as places of the "happily ever after." Instead of signaling a promising future, they keep a history of wars and transforming territories into countries within their fortified walls. Therefore, more than material riches, they are preserved as living memories from centuries ago. They also keep […]

«The Rio Times» 

Indian government gives itself the power to “fact-check” and delete social media posts

By Adnan Bhat Journalists, opposition parties, and advocacy groups are worried about what this “absolute power” means for press freedom in India. The Indian government on April 6 announced a state-run fact-checking unit that will have sweeping powers to label any information related to the government as “fake, false or misleading” and have it removed […]

«The Rio Times» 

Opinion: fear of Brazil’s Supreme Court, election hangover demobilize population and reduce protests

By Leonardo Desideri (Opinion) The Supreme Court's (STF) escalation of authoritarianism, initiated with the fake news inquiry, boosted during the 2022 election race and exacerbated after the January 8 acts, is demobilizing the people and reducing the number of street demonstrations. Even in the face of the dissatisfaction of a large part of the population […]

«The Rio Times» 

Turkey’s election: the presidential election will have 2nd round

By Fábio Galão Turkey held its most important and close election since Recep Erdoğan came to power 20 years ago. The dispute will go to a second round, with a date set for May 28. Erdoğan had 49.35% of the vote against 44.98% for Kemal Kilicdaroglu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), with […]

«The Rio Times» 

Argentine bought a subway car on the internet and transformed it into home

By Lucila Runnacles Have you ever thought of spending a night inside a subway car with all the comforts of a hotel or sleeping in an old bus in the middle of nature? Someone has thought of that and created a rather unusual lodge less than an hour away from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Casa Giramundo […]

«The Rio Times» 

Bolivia inspects the security zone on the border with Chile to guarantee “territorial integrity”

By Carlos E. Hernández Under the Vice Ministry of Defense and Development Cooperation of the Bolivian Ministry of Defense, personnel from the General Directorate of Border Security Zones inspected the border security zone with the Republic of Chile to guarantee "territorial integrity and the preservation of the State's strategic natural resources". The director, Brigadier General […]

«The Rio Times» 

Sinaloa Cartel leader and main generator of violence in southeastern Mexico captured

Mexican authorities captured Héctor “F”, alias “El 15”, identified as one of the leaders of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel and the main generator of violence in southeastern Mexico, the Attorney General’s Office of the state of Quintana Roo announced yesterday. In a statement, the agency indicated that the drug lord was arrested in compliance with […]

«The Rio Times» 

Ecuador’s Congress elects new authorities amid political tensions

The National Assembly of Ecuador elected yesterday, Sunday, its authorities in a session marked by tension given the impeachment trial that the president of the country, Guillermo Lasso, will face for alleged embezzlement before the legislative plenary next May 16. Independent legislator Virgilio Saquicela was reelected as president of the National Assembly. He will continue […]

«Советский джаз» с Петром Востоковым. Relax FM рекомендует

Минздрав: большая часть оборудования в скорых стала отечественной

В Люберцах свыше 30 образовательных учреждений приняли участие в акции

В Моршанске скоро откроется виртуальный концертный зал

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


«Вплоть до летального исхода»: терапевт Чернышова рассказала, кому нельзя есть шашлык

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

Председатель Мособлдумы Брынцалов принял участие в субботнике в Реутове

Минздрав: большая часть оборудования в скорых стала отечественной

Музыкальные новости

ENERGON поделился успешным кейсом внедрения системы управления предприятием 1C:ERP


Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

Новости России

Полиция проверит задержки возврата денег клиентам криптобиржи Beribit

Минздрав: большая часть оборудования в скорых стала отечественной

В Моршанске скоро откроется виртуальный концертный зал

Гуцул: политическое руководство Гагаузии испытывает давление со стороны Кишинёва

Экология в России и мире

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

В Москве состоится уникальный конкурс, сочетающий красоту и интеллект «Мисс Право»

Спорт в России и мире

Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде

Как Рыбакиной стать второй ракеткой мира: расклад от WTA

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


В Екатеринбурге будут судить уроженца Армении, устроившего дорожный конфликт со стрельбой

MONT предложит партнерам решение «Лаборатории Касперского» для обнаружения дронов

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

Тихий вечер...

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