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Новости за 02.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Blues v Sheffield United Monday 8th May

It's also our best season in points terms since 2016-17 and one of the few seasons in that time we have stayed up comfortably.
Given the stands are being repaired and we are likely to get new owners this is surely our most positive season for a while.

We are also in the rare position of having a manager who might start a second full season with us.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Klopp

He's a sore loser. Possibly the worst one in the league. He's a tit and is suited to the scousers

Small Heath Alliance 

Blues v Sheffield United Monday 8th May

It's been a long season.
Very few really decent and enjoyable performances.
A larger number of average / just about adequate games.
We've endured a majority of disappointing and disjointed matches.

Any chance of us finishing with a positive and upbeat effort producing some long overdue attractive football ?

Over to you and the players John Eustace.
I won't hold my breath !

Small Heath Alliance 

Documentary recommendation

Not for everyone but [www.sky.com] is a great but sad watch. Follows four (changes to three soon) 'characters' from New York from 1984. Amazing footage in the first few minutes of capturing how tough life was (maybe still is) for women when one of the 'characters' beats her up for no real reason in front of family and friends. Drugs become a big part of it but won't spoil it but a recommended watch for some.

Small Heath Alliance 

Dodgy text message (9 replies)

Just had a dodgy looking text claiming to be from ‘BCFC’ telling me that the final game is on Monday and including a link to buy tickets that looks nothing like Blues eticketing address and ends with an ‘io’ domain. No way I’m clicking on it.

Don’t know if it’s just me - anyone else had one? If so, could it be that the ticketing site database may have been hacked? Just seems a bit strange. (I’m not very tech- minded).

Small Heath Alliance 


I hope the fa ban him for a significant period of time.

Nasty piece of work. Him pulling his hamstring by running into the fourth officials face was quite something

His behaviour on the touchline is amongst the worst in the league. Silly angry man

Small Heath Alliance 

Mark gaines claire pearson update (1 reply)

Back in 2017 my cousin died on 29th April 17 during the huddersfield match im sad to say his sister has passed on the exact same day I'm sure some if you will remember the story we did a stadium tour with kristian pedersen in honour of mark and my son thanks all and kro

Small Heath Alliance 

Pisa (9 replies)

Any tips? Planning a trip later in the year. Not to fussed about pisa but cheap flights and will use it as a base for Florence and the seaside.
So if anyone has been I am all ears for places to visit, stop, public transport ect.
Thanks in advance.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Pisa

Stand on the side that isn't leaning over ????

Small Heath Alliance 

Maxime Colin (7 replies)

Whoscored championship team of the season. Somehow.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Leeds


Small Heath Alliance 

Takeover timeline (11 replies)

Anybody got any idea when this might come to fruition because it’s getting on my flipping nerves now???? I don’t expect an exact answer but are we talking weeks, months etc etc.

Will we have time before the season starts to sign anyone with the new owners???

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Birmingham City braced as Jobe Bellingham transfer update emerges

El Mayor


El Mayor


We'll reap what we sow though.

If we don't look after kids properly then they'll go elsewhere.

I think it's more nuanced than this.

There is an argument that some players have been overly looked after to the neglect of others. It's really political.
Can you be more specific, or is it about the loan players?
There’s a greenie on here linking to a 1600 word article with my thoughts. That’s about as specific as I can get, really. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

BCFC: Keeping Young Players (3 replies)

While the season drags to a rather unsatisfactory finish on the pitch, discussions surrounding the make-up of the Blues squad next year are springing up around on social media and forums. Much of this talk has centred on the fates of some of the younger members of the squad thanks to transfer rumour


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: BCFC: Keeping Young Players

Unfortunately money will always talk.
I believe Amari Miller was offered a great contract at Leeds. Left us and is nowhere near the first team.
He may well be released next year and start again but has banked a tidy sum in the meantime.

Do we ever do the same sort of thing to clubs lower in the pyramid ourselves? Perhaps we should be turning the heads of youngsters at “smaller clubs “ and developing them here ?

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