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Новости за 11.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

White swan digbeth (5 replies)

Am I correct in thinking it's back open again? If so anyone been back and is it still good?? Tar

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: White swan digbeth

Superb, I shall be in there tomorrow then.
Thanks everyone

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Takeover: The Minutiae




You should have researched yourself.
You don’t know anything yet report as if it was true.
If it’s you

Erm, what are you on about?

I was replying to Dan and thanking him for clarifying things. I read all 37 pages of the document btw.
OOPS ????
Thought you were someone else!!

Small Heath Alliance 

Alan pace (5 replies)


He'll probably sack him next season if they struggle.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: You Bears

Essex 126 all out,

Superb bowling from the bears

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: West Brom


Super Hans

Feck me no wonder they won the league.

Shhh Tandy is still waiting for them inevitably implode like they do every season.
The finally managed it at the 13th time of asking!!!

Only took a couple of Hollywood millionaires, a TV series and a stadium full of glory hunters.
Wrexham are historically a League One sized club. What the two Yanks have done for them is absolutely wonderful for the club, the game and the region.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: 38 years ago

There was a very moving service of remembrance in City Park Bradford this morning.

The tragedy is something that still casts a long shadow over the club.

I wish some of the ‘no-pyro, no party’ idiots that have turned up at Bradford matches (home fans, I mean) would go along to it. Maybe then they’d better understand why smoke, in that stadium, is never an appropriate thing.

Small Heath Alliance 

38 years ago

RIP Ian Hambridge and those poor souls at Bradford

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Season Ticket Prices

You obviously didn't try to get a drink at Reading at half time.
I queued for 18 minutes (I went down a bit early) and only got about half way to the front.
They made Blues look efficient and a pleasure to deal with

There are a few others who are terrible as well - Rotherham springs to mind

Small Heath Alliance 

Behind the Whistle: Davies red card and EFL decisions explained (1 reply)

With the regular season coming to an end across the Bank Holiday weekend, former EFL and Premier League referee Chris Foy is on-hand to go through a selection of key match decisions from the Sky Bet Championship, League One and League Two action.


Small Heath Alliance 

SHA on Form. (1 reply)

Within minutes of getting on here I'm reading Jobe is rubbish, get rid and Sunjic cudda, shudda played in the Prem.

Hats off to you sirs...????

Small Heath Alliance 

David Stockdale (3 replies)


For those that haven't seen it (I hadn't),apologies if you have.ignore.

Treated very badly in my opinion, some assholes passed through our Club in the last few years,he isn't one of them,long listen but it answers a few questions for me.

Small Heath Alliance 

Behind the Whistle: Davies red card and EFL decisions explained

With the regular season coming to an end across the Bank Holiday weekend, former EFL and Premier League referee Chris Foy is on-hand to go through a selection of key match decisions from the Sky Bet Championship, League One and League Two action.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Next seasons fixtures

Pretty sure it would have been Sunday (maybe even Saturday) this year if it wasn't for the coronation so imagine it'll go back to Saturday/Sunday next season

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The youngsters

This and the bedwetters moaning about the Swansea result, I'm guessing it might have been different had all those U21s, who are currently first team squad members, played.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Caddis podcast



Johnson is/was a prick. It’s very clear in that podcast.

Yep. Wonder why Vic liked him so much? Johnson Came across as a complete pr*ck to me
He was effing hilarious. Mad but utterly loveable.

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