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Новости за 01.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 


Any news on the poor fella?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Pre season


Salford Blue

Talk of Alicante. Anybody confirm?

Dartmoor I’ve heard if no takeover.
America if it’s completed.
Make of that what you will Blues v cell block A or
Brummie Bulls v New York Yankees

Small Heath Alliance 

Omaze Homes

Anyone know how they afford to buy these houses ..
And what if they don’t get the punters to cover the purchase price?

Small Heath Alliance 


Clappers, drums, scarf waving and crap songs

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Whisky

Be interesting to see how the Tequila Cask Whiskies get on, Deanston have bought one out but not sure if that would be my thing. Just ordered a Mannachmore 2011 Cooper's Choice in a mad moment

Small Heath Alliance 

Rushall Olympic (8 replies)

Congratulations to Rushall Olympic on winning promotion to National League North/South after beating Nuneaton Borough 5-3 on penalties in the Southern League Premier Central play off final.

Small Heath Alliance 

Post-Hughton Blues 11 (17 replies)

Ten years to play with. Harder than it sounds.

Go: Ruddy - not been blessed here since Myhill

Rb: Caddis - he wasn’t even really that good was he?
Cb: Morrison - no brainier
Cb: Roberts - going to be controversial here, he’s stood up when others haven’t imo
Lb: Colin - picking Colin out of position because I can’t think of a left back seems apt, no?

Rm: Maghoma - underrated in hindsight
Cm: Jude - obviously
Cm: Davis - I don’t think he was very good... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Post-Hughton Blues 11

Baffles me that people aren’t picking Juke. Our top overall goal scorer since the 1990s. Scored some massive and some brilliant goals, and it’s not like he hasn’t had prolific seasons. With Che next to him he made double figures in goals and assists.

He can’t run in 2023, but it’s not his fault he’s somehow ended up as our only fit striker.

Small Heath Alliance 

Rockonteurs (3 replies)

Podcast by Gary Kemp and some other geezer in which they interview other musicians, usually ancient ones. Can be grating but there’s the odd gem. This weeks is Terry Reid, very entertaining.

He sounds like some toothless old geezer rambling away down the boozer, sounds nothing like he does on his records. Listen to the podcast then listen River.

Small Heath Alliance 

Summer Transfer Window Thoughts (5 replies)

Interested to know people's thoughts on where we need to strengthen this summer. It's a huge job.

The only players I would try and keep who are out of contract are Kevin Long and Josh Williams.

I'm assuming Hall and Bellingham are off, and we loan out Etheridge, Sunjic and Cosgrove.

After that, I think we need:

2 x CBs (Trusty & Sanderson, pretty easy, do it quickly)
1 x RB (don't think we can rely on Williams/Oakley for a whole season)
... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Tram to Jewellery Quarter (10 replies)

Meeting some friends there later in the week. They said someone told them they can catch the tram from New Street,where they arrive, direct to the Jewellery Quarter and asked me if that’s true.

I have no idea never used the tram can anyone advise if it’s the case and if so what number and where you get on off.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Today's games


Rotherham safe after beating 10 man Middlesbrough 1-0. Referee Keith Stroud did not have the best of games. Huddersfield need a point from their last two games to send Reading down.

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Haaland

20 in his first 13 games I think including CL. I think people were clutching straws and still are to say they were struggling because he’d signed

Small Heath Alliance 

Today's games

Rotherham safe after beating 10 man Middlesbrough 1-0. Referee Keith Stroud did not have the best of games. Huddersfield need a point from their last two games to send Reading down.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Dpf Removing filter

Thinking of getting a Diesel car and was having a look online and apparently you can remove filter from DPF but leave DPF in place, but would still pass Mot because inspectors only do a visual check.

Anybody else heard of this?

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Small Heath Alliance 

Dpf Removing filter

Thinking of getting a Diesel car and was having a look online and apparently you can remove filter from DPF but leave DPF in place, but would still pass Mot because inspectors only do a visual check.

Anybody else heard of this?

Small Heath Alliance 


I know there's a few aficionados on here so what's people drinking and recommending?

I'm on a Longrow Peated that I can't recommended enough, beautiful dram. Also got a Springbank 10 which can be a pain to get hold of for a decent price a Royal Brackla 12, Glenglassaugh Evolution and a French Whisky called Cortoisie Exhalation that I took a gamble on.

Wolfburn 10 is next on my list plus a Welsh Whisky from Da Mhile although at £94 that might push my limits.

... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Novelty songs

For some oddball reason my mum had a Benny Hill single with Pepys Diary on one side & Harvest of Love on the other .
Remember growing up to those

Wouldn’t get away with that today, Missus!

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Leeds United

Hardly surprising that more fans are turning to local non league.
I mean who really wants to pay hard earned cash to watch these over paid prima donnas?.

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