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Новости за 15.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 


Best thing on TV by a country mile. One of the all time greats.

Incredible. This latest episode was a masterpiece.

Small Heath Alliance 

VAR (3 replies)


a behind the scenes look at it.

Small Heath Alliance 


Too soon.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Stadium update

Don’t have to worry about damaging the pitch lads, will probably improve it.

Small Heath Alliance 

Youth Players (24 replies)

Following on from the reports regarding Jobe, would be interesting to see which youth player you would want us to keep most and also, if to be sold - how much you expect?

I’d rank in the following order in terms of one’s to keep:

Jobe : 2
Hall : 1
Gordon : 3
James : 4

From what I saw of Gordon the prior season, I thought he looked a really promising centre half and would like to see more or him going forward.

Hall would be one to build a team around... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Youth Players


One thing to remember in all this. There's has been reams written about Jude and Real and then, last night, the spokesperson from Dortmund made a statement saying "No-one has even made a bid for Bellingham". So, if Real have agreed terms that's "tapping up" and Dortmund can report them, leading almost certainly to a severe punishment and possibly, a transfer ban. If you don't think Dortmund, fellow CL qualifiers, wouldn't jump at that chance, I have a bridge in London you might like to buy. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Howard webb

Should be interesting this on MNF tonight

Also a programme on bt sports at 7pm.

Audio of match officials to be released

Small Heath Alliance 

Capacity increase (12 replies)

I wondered, if we are rebuilding the bottom sections do you think they will replace like for like or try to increase capacity in some way? Is it possible?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Capacity increase


Rab C Nesbitt

I was on row 18 and want my (rail) seat back.
No st were sold on row 1 because it’s netted off

Looks like you’ll get your wish. Not sure row 1 was netted off in the Kop.
No... row one never netted in kop.

I dont think they will reinstate row 18 and that the barrier will remain in place.

Rab... you may be disappointed.

Of course i could be wrong...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Digbeth Dining Club


That Jobe thread is brain-draining so I thought i'd ask the below:

Digbeth Dining Club is visiting Tamworth this Saturday. I went a few years back and enjoyed it with two pals but i'll be going with my mrs and baby. Anyone experienced baby friendly stuff there?

What's your favourite vendor and why?

Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Kevin Sinfield

It got me thinking about this sporting moment. I’ve never been able to watch this without shedding a tear.


Small Heath Alliance 

BCFC: Meeting the P&S Challenge (17 replies)

While the work on the pitch is now done for the season, the work is now very much underway for Technical Director Craig Gardner and his recruitment team. The next few months are going to be crucial in getting a squad together which can offer the same positivity on the pitch the Shelby Companies take


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: BCFC: Meeting the P&S Challenge

We can (Have to)include all the sell on fees foe Bellingham and Adams in the year they are transferred.
So if Bellingham goes for £130m plus add ons we account for the guaranteed part even though it might be paid over a few seasons.
It isn't to do with the cash flow or deciding whether or not to factor it.

So long as he goes before 1 July 2024 he will be in the P&S window we need.

Depending on Southampton's needs i think Adams will go for £20-£30m this Summer.... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

BCFC: Meeting the P&S Challenge

While the work on the pitch is now done for the season, the work is now very much underway for Technical Director Craig Gardner and his recruitment team. The next few months are going to be crucial in getting a squad together which can offer the same positivity on the pitch the Shelby Companies take

Small Heath Alliance 

Digbeth Dining Club

That Jobe thread is brain-draining so I thought i'd ask the below:

Digbeth Dining Club is visiting Tamworth this Saturday. I went a few years back and enjoyed it with two pals but i'll be going with my mrs and baby. Anyone experienced baby friendly stuff there?

What's your favourite vendor and why?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Question of the last 14 years


My old man asked me if I thought, with hindsight, getting TTA (and all that came with it) in was worth it to get rid of Carson.

Have to hold my hands up and admit, I can't decide.

The easy rebuttal to make is that if it wasn't TTA then another group would've been around the corner waiting.

But, if hypothetically (and with hindsight) TTA would have been the only group to approach buying Blues from Carson between 2016-2019, would you still say yes to TTA? Читать дальше...

Глава Люберец поздравил боксера с победой

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Опубликован список запрещенных вещей на Параде Победы

Видео: как в Нижем парке Петергофа запускали «Самсона»

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