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Новости за 04.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Warnock clarity

14 games in charge 22 points

If sustained over a season it would equate to 72 points….play offs

Don’t like him
A member of parliament had a few opinions on him iirc

But he’s definitely done a job

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Tonight's games

Not sure. There will be Sheff Utd players needing to prove they are worth a place in their PL squad for next season. I would think they will be spending a fair bit of money in the summer on new players to strengthen and will be offloading a few.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Cape Verde

If you are interested in Sims or mobile data maybe Cape Verde should not be your destination of choice.

Small Heath Alliance 

You Bears (12 replies)

Decent first day v Hampshire. Afternoon bowled really well and broke the back of their innings. They did fight back a bit but all out for 229 by tea. Need to get an innings together now.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: You Bears

Just seemed like the wrong option, although I guess they think Woakes won't be available and they've lost Stone.

Decent reply from the Bears....82 for 0 at the close. ????

Small Heath Alliance 

Tonight's games

Interesting to see the Sheffield United line up tonight at Huddersfield. Huddersfield need a point from their last two games to send Reading down.

Small Heath Alliance 

Cardiac MRI perfusion and Adenosine injection (5 replies)

To stress your heart.
Anyone had one?
Not the best I must admit. Very cramped in the tunnel and the injection is designed to make you breathless, also made me hot and nauseous.
Lasted about 40 minutes as well.
Only a check up btw but still glad I had it done.

Small Heath Alliance 

Cape Verde

Another one for the travellers on here.

Not been before, so can anybody advise on mobile data while in CV please?

I’ve been assuming that our normal SIMs with roaming would be ok as I thought it was covered by Portugal in a similar way to The Canary Islands and Spain, but apparently not.

I’m guessing the answer is to buy a local SIM, but are they available at the airports or do we have to find a shop somewhere?

Any info/advice gratefully received.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Post-Hughton Blues 11

What do you mean by real terms?

B_C_F_C post above shows 89/90 season was the biggest distance.
Am I mistaken to believe league position is the most objective way to determine the current state of a football club?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Doing the 92 back in the 80s

That’s a great read.

We used to do something similar, without ticking off all 92. One year went we went to the Peak District for a 3 week holiday, we must have visited at least 10 grounds within an hour’s drive. I’ve got all the pictures still - my poor Mum would be sat in the car in Moss Side while me, my Dad and (sometimes) my sisters would be persuading the groundsman to let us look inside Maine Road, for example!

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Linda Lewis

Funny enough, there’s an appreciation of her first album, Say No More in this months Shindig.

Lark is probably her best.

Small Heath Alliance 

Doing the 92 back in the 80s

For those who love and remember football grounds back in the 80s this is a great read with some fantastic pictures as well.
This guy and his dad did all 92, well 94 by the time they finished back in the late 80s when he was a teenager.

Remember that entrance at Blues?


Small Heath Alliance 

Liverpool penalty last night

Can someone explain why? Because I don't know no more.

effing says it all.


Small Heath Alliance 

Ryan Stirk (1 reply)

Playing on BT Sports 1 right now in the playoffs.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ryan Stirk

Watched most of it. His Bromley side came from behind to win so now have Chesterfield in the semi.

Stirk was tidy first half but not in the game so much second half as it became more frantic and gave the ball away a two or three times. Nice left foot and took most of the attacking free kicks.

He looked one of the more composed players on the pitch but a little on the small side. There’s something there but I expect he will be released.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Sunburn


Proper sunburn on both arms after a day down the allotment today. In Warrington. In early May. What the hell? Is it an age thing - am I going to burn every time the sun ever has his hat on from now onwards?

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Small Heath Alliance 

Manchester City (13 replies)

Forget the money. The togetherness is what makes them great. Every goal is celebrated by the whole team. That's what Pep is all all about.

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