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Новости за 19.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Barnsley v Bolton

I like the look of this Dion Charles seen him a few times now.
Blues cannot say there isn’t talent for them to take a good look at at an affordable cost.

Small Heath Alliance 

Wembley Sunday......

Two games..Cracking Seats 35 quid all in for me and the lad

Looking forward to it ????

Anybody else making the trip?

Small Heath Alliance 

York City Liner Complex

A fantastic community driven complex incorporating the stadium. I think they are in the Vanarama league but great facilities including free parking on match days. Well done!

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: L1 Play off Owls v Posh


Much as I think Barry Bannan is a poisonous little dwarf his comments about the dogs/racial abuse Darren Moore received from his own fans and silencing them is pretty special. Ultimate middle finger

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Small Heath Alliance 

Barnsley v Bolton

Honestly can't call this one.

What say you?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Wigan


Yet Manchester City just down the road can do whatever they want when they want. The so called enquiry will take years.
But hey let’s punish little Wigan.

Football is stinking of corruption in this country.

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Small Heath Alliance 

We've been promoted... (14 replies)

... by order of the Prime Minister: [www.dailyecho.co.uk]

Speaking to BBC News in Hiroshima, where he is attending the G7 summit, the Prime Minister said: “It was a sad moment but I was pleased I could be there, actually, and be there with the fans and my family were there as well with their season tickets, quite near where I was sitting.
“It was nice to be back home to my football team I have supported since I was a kid and, hopefully, we can bounce straight back up as Birmingham... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 


Another points deduction next season and one in the pipeline unless the owner puts 125% of the monthly wage bill in an escrow account by next weekend.


One might suggest they’re effed.

Small Heath Alliance 

Can we ever average more than 25,000 (10 replies)

In the 2nd tier if the stadium is fully open. I don’t think we have ever been able to average over 22,500, even in the promotion years of 06/07 and 08/09 it was under 20,000.

Are we just a poorly supported club or are there other reasons for such low average attendances?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Can we ever average more than 25,000

Outside of the really big clubs I think Blues probably have the most non-attending supporters in the country.

I've no way of proving this beyond anecdotal evidence but whenever good times come around, we do come out of the woodwork.

25k will be easy if someone can get the club going again.

Small Heath Alliance 

BCFC: The Jobe Situation (10 replies)

A tweet from Fabrizio Romano suggesting that young Blues midfielder Jobe Bellingham is to make the move north to Sunderland set Blues social media alight on Thursday. The tweet reported a fee of 3M was agreed and a medical was to be done in the next ten days.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: BCFC: The Jobe Situation

My Blue Heaven

I wouldn’t at all be surprised

At lot of their fans think they are getting a top player. He may end up being one but he’s needs time to develop, personally think we’ve been right to use him sparingly. £3m is a lot at this level now so he’ll be expected to play

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Small Heath Alliance 

Mourinho (10 replies)

I was wrong about him. I thought he was finished.

He's an actual tactical genius.

Done absolutely brilliant at roma.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Mourinho

Man United decided to back Pogba and Martial rather than Mourinho.
In retrospect that was a stupendous decision.
Get rid of one of the best managers of all time and replace him with Solskjaer.
Jose had won the Europa league, the League Cup and got second.

At Spurs levy sacks his managers every time they want significant money to improve the squad.
It's the only club since he became Porto coach where Mourinho didn't win a trophy. Though they sacked him before the League Cup final to make sure. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Andy Rourke

Mr Song-Within-A-Song. RIP

Small Heath Alliance 

Reformatting the playoffs (27 replies)

Took this idea from someone posting on the Guardian and wondered what everyone thought.

5th and 6th place have one game played at the home of 5th place.

Winner goes onto play 4th place at their ground.

Winner goes onto play 3rd place at Wembley.

Personally, I like the current format (especially after a game like last night) and wouldn't change it but the above suggestion does make it fairer to league standings.

Would you change it?

Small Heath Alliance 

West aaaam (8 replies)


All kicked off last night by the look of it

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: West aaaam

16 stone of fish chips and carling, real men ????

That was just the small bloke. The other one was 20+ easily. Top lads.

Small Heath Alliance 

New Young Defenders (2 replies)

I have recently been talking with a Cheltenham Town fan who was singing the praises of their on loan Centre Back Caleb Taylor (son of Martin) he is on West Broms books and is highly thought of. A long shot but as the financial landscape may have changed at West Brom, you never know...

Also did anyone see Ronnie Edwards playing for Peterborough last night? . Classy defender, lots of Premier league clubs linked, with 8 million mentioned. Though I think Peterborough players prices are often taken with a pinch of salt. Читать дальше...

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Омбудсмен по делам КМНС Камчатки возмутилась, что ее не пустили в Нью-Йорк (ее коллега из Якутии туда съездил)

Минтруда помогло кыргызстанцу в Москве получить 715 тысяч рублей

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