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Новости за 26.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Paul Barber Interview (7 replies)

Really interesting interview. One of the things that stands out is how it was important for Bloom, Barber and Brighton to be 'Premier League Ready' in the Championship so getting the stadium and academy sorted and in place before making the jump up so they could then fully focus on recruitment and stabilizing themselves once up.

I really feel like that is something Blues now need to do and not thinking that we need to get up first before we invest in the infrastructure. I seem remember... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Hednesford Town

Kemy Agustien has been playing for them recently.

Small Heath Alliance 

Cheese rolling - Monday 29th (no replies)

Any one who loves watching or taking part in extreme sports then get to Coopers Hill on Monday.

Most things these days you have to pay to watch or need to pay to participate and need expensive protective gear, well not at the cheese rolling. Free to watch and free to enter, just turn up and chuck yourself off the top.

This year even more of a free for all as NO police, fire or ambulance in attendance. Been going for hundreds and hundreds of years and with good weather on Monday its gonna be rammed. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Bellingham to Real Madrid

I thought I'd missed a new superstar for a second, Velverde isn't bad either- I just hope Madrid use him right and don't shoehorn him into an incorrect position.

Delighted he isn't going Liverpool.

Small Heath Alliance 

Niall Ennis (5 replies)

Having Medical at Blackburn. Would have been a good signing.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Niall Ennis

The day we can compete with the likes of Blackburn for a player will be a good day.

I think it’s coming, slowly but surely

Small Heath Alliance 

Power slapping (2 replies)

In line for the most stupid sport ever award, people could really damage their hands doing this.


Small Heath Alliance 

Ivan Toney again (17 replies)

He was betting on his own team to lose then (although he was injured at the time)


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ivan Toney again

you cant "force" people into treatment for addiction. they've got to do it for themselves

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Succession

Can a mod pls put ‘SPOILERS’ on the thread title?

It’s been on the telly since Monday, get a move on and watch it.

That halting delivery they have all adopted puts me in mind of this fella

Small Heath Alliance 

Knighthead (8 replies)

Investing in aviation company with Certares. 300 million euros.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Knighthead


This is always a good source of information on things investment


The "option" is a written agreement between buyer and seller for which a modest premium is paid (in comparison to the value) at outset.

They might have an option to say sell ABC shares to someone else in 3 months at $20 per share. If near the option date the shares are trading at say $15, they will buy them knowing they can sell them at $20. If the shares were trading... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Squire Patton Boggs…

he's edited it and now works - still not sure what relevance of squire paton boggs is to anything though apart from being a big well respected firm

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Wigan

No way would an enforced sale be wanted by the FA purely as they would inherit any liabilities. What could maybe work in that situation is a forced administration and a rule that any current or previous directors of that company are not allowed to buy it. What would be nice but unworkable is that the club automatically passes to a company owned by all existing STH's.

Your idea of a way to stop the spiralling losses does need to be found at some point.

Small Heath Alliance 

Squire Patton Boggs…

..Shelby Companies Ltd lawyers!

Yes indeed!


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