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Новости за 18.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Matt Sadler

Should it all go wrong with eustace, can't do worst than looking in the lower leagues.

Mark Robins and Rhob Edwards are hardly on the usual managerial merry go round we pluck managers off in the championship.

Small Heath Alliance 

Matt Sadler

Appointed Head Coach at Walsall - If he has a decent start how long will it take before there are calls for him to take over here ?

Small Heath Alliance 

Birmingham in 1964 (4 replies)

I hope this Facebook link works for everyone. It has some wonderful colour footage around Digbeth and the city centre, taken two years before I was born, but much of it as I remember it in the 70s and 80s.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Birmingham in 1964

I would have been 9 going on 10. Loved going to town with my mom and sisters - C&A first stop. The roundabout at the Bull Ring - ahh memories. It was still pretty much the same for quite a few years after. But, as a driver, I used to hate having to navigate the scissor junction round the Bull Ring - compared to the nightmare our roads are nowadays, it was obviously a breeze ????

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Tony Mowbray

These owners will be looking for promotion.
John Eustace will not be able to give them this, he’s not a born winner, his mental attitude suggests that he is happy with second best. We need a change of attitude all over the club and fan base. Being absolutely delighted with 17th place whatever the mitigating factors doesn’t suggest a winning mentality.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: L1 Play off Owls v Posh

Hope Brighton win tonight keep that lot below em , as for the sheff weds game if they can get a goal in the 1st 5 mins then game on

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Colin from accounts

After the first couple of mins of episode 1 my missus said what the hells this crap and walked of out the room I carried on and watched the rest then episode 2 /3/4 and later on in the day the rest of the series said to my missus that was really good when you get into it it’s funny and I said to her I will give you 1 guess who Colin is in the programme she shrugs her shoulders and goes I don’t no the bloke in the car h3s the only bloke I seen , I laughed and said watch the programme and find out yourself. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ryan's Funeral

I'm not sure a friend passed the go fund me details. I thought I'd post it on here as he was one the faithful and he's left hls missus with 3 young uns.

Small Heath Alliance 

L1 Play off Owls v Posh

This should be interesting tonight just to see how Sheff W go about it.

Will they go all out right from the start because I would imagine that the fans will be begging for that to happen. If they can get 2 up by HT it could be interesting but hopefully Posh will nail em.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Quick quiz

Not happy I thought I got 15. I got 13.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Transfer Rumours Summer of 23

Fat Buddha OBE

Ban these threads. That would be nice.

Seems like these threads really get your Dhanda up.

Small Heath Alliance 

Jobe (114 replies)

Off to Sunderland according to Fabrizio Romano

£3 Million


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Jobe

Thank God for that. At least now he's gone we can forget about him, concentrate on the lads who want to be here.or even the ones we can't get rid of. 3 million quid is alright, he'll probably be worth 10 times that eventually, but cest la vie.

Small Heath Alliance 

Pace & Power (9 replies)

The thing that has struck me most watching the two playoff semi-finals is how much more athletic and quick the teams are compared to us. We have some very talented players but no Carlton Morris or Gyokeres types, essentially battering rams with a turn of pace.

Until we get some pace and power into the team I fear teams like Cov & Luton will just bully us. We need some absolute units through the door this summer.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Pace & Power

Much of that is probably down to the number of midweek games.

I think both Coventry and to a lesser extent Luton were fairly fortunate to make the playoffs this season. Norwich Watford Swansea and Blackburn had better squads but underperformed. Saying that if the season lasted a couple more weeks think Swansea would have probably made it up through the play offs. They can play some lovely stuff.

It is what is is though and fair play to them both, you would normally need a bit more than what they have to be promoted. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Retained list (25 replies)

Seeing a lot of retained/released lists over the last 24 hours, Is there a date we must publish ours by?

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