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Новости за 10.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Supporters Trust


Most have missed it due to having the Mail on ignore.

Glad they are happy.

Small Heath Alliance 

Supporters Trust

Where are they on the takeover?

The supporters want to know.

Small Heath Alliance 

Under 21s (8 replies)

Hang your heads in shame. Beaten 10-1 by Swansea.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Media team


I'm sure the chaps working in the media dept. are more qualified than me and may have already had the idea.

But if it was me in charge and there was money available (with the takeover news) I would hire a few camera guys on a long term contract and have them start filming.

The ground, current state and as repairs happen.
The mood from players, maybe get some exclusive interviews of what it's been like for the veterans and even give those workers inside the stadium a voice. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Season Ticket Prices

There’s really not a lot of difference in price between season tickets for Championship teams all the way down to the lower end of the National League.

Small Heath Alliance 

Media team

I'm sure the chaps working in the media dept. are more qualified than me and may have already had the idea.

But if it was me in charge and there was money available (with the takeover news) I would hire a few camera guys on a long term contract and have them start filming.

The ground, current state and as repairs happen.
The mood from players, maybe get some exclusive interviews of what it's been like for the veterans and even give those workers inside the stadium a voice. Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Maxine Colin (62 replies)

Sounds like he wants to stay, said he is open to extending his stay.

Not sure myself, what says you?

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Maxine Colin


Get rid of whoever we can that has been a regular starter for at least the last 3 years. Except Juke obviously.

We need a clean sweep.

Ideally I'd shift Dean, Colin, Gardner, etheridge, Roberts, Graham and Deeney.

Easier said than done especially with those still in contract but we need a big clear out.

Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

The Takeover: The Minutiae (39 replies)

Late on Monday night, Birmingham Sports Holdings finally posted an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange relating to the sale of part of their stake in Birmingham City to Shelby Companies Limited.


Small Heath Alliance 

Re: The Takeover: The Minutiae

Thanks for the article Dan, a fantastic read as always.

I have a probably stupid and too simplistic question which realise will probably have been covered by the lawyers with the full control issue.

Potentially if BSH receive £18.75m plus £10m for the club could they use this money to pay off the first tranche of the SCL loan £5m so they don't have any liability to SCL, the debt liability clause and charge to the club is then irrelevant and they use the remaining cash balance... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

What the Loanees and Out of Contract players say (no replies)

Has to be taken with a pinch of salt at this stage. Loan players are hardly going to say that they want to stay in case they return to their parent club and out of contract players will want to show that they arent hanging on for an offer. We wont know anything for a while...

Small Heath Alliance 

The Takeover: The Minutiae

Late on Monday night, Birmingham Sports Holdings finally posted an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange relating to the sale of part of their stake in Birmingham City to Shelby Companies Limited.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Jude's sell on

I'm sure there will be a provision on both sides that will include things like ground repair, Jude sell on, potential sales and purchase and general day to day running cost, the interesting thing is what indirect involvement the new owners will have that do not breach the fit owners test.

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