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Новости за 12.05.2023

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: West Brom



Nikola Zigic

"The Albion Way" and all that utter bollocks.

Conveniently forgetting they loved Gary Megan as manager.

And Pulis, until they thought they could do better.

I've always said "the Albion way" is a load of old bollocks.

They had 18 months / 2 years where they were entertaining to watch under Fat Ronkinson - thanks to players other managers had already brought in. His contribution was Batson, who was a decent player... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Summer Transfers

Ted Tin-man Mcminn

I know the season has only just finished and everything generally goes quiet for a few weeks on the transfer front - however I was just wondering how the impending takeover (fingers crossed!) impacts our ability to sign or re-sign players?
We are going to need a dozen or more players for next season and the takeover can’t be official until just prior to pre season training commencing. With so many rumours of Sanderson, Trusty etc imminently going elsewhere are we just stuck... Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Meeting with the Mayor - 8


Very good watch

Dan, Sorry if you’ve already answered this & I know it will make no real difference until all approvals are received but, Is it possible to get EFL approval before the EGM takes place?

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Small Heath Alliance 

When Is The Eurovision Song Contest Taking Place ?

Due to the lack of any coverage on either The BBC or BBC News this week, is it actually taking place this year ? If it is where is it being held.

I have heard nothing from The BBC.

Small Heath Alliance 

Summer Transfers

I know the season has only just finished and everything generally goes quiet for a few weeks on the transfer front - however I was just wondering how the impending takeover (fingers crossed!) impacts our ability to sign or re-sign players?
We are going to need a dozen or more players for next season and the takeover can’t be official until just prior to pre season training commencing. With so many rumours of Sanderson, Trusty etc imminently going elsewhere are we just stuck until the takeover’s complete or can we make movements now? Читать дальше...

Small Heath Alliance 

2025 (8 replies)

Only two years until we're 150 years old .... be nice to get to Wembley in either a cup or play-off to celebrate.

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: 2025

I'd love to do a proper history of the club...In Search Of Small Heath Alliance does a brilliant job with the early days, the 1920s and 1930s get a bit forgotten about because we spend most of the time about 17th. Probably impossible given the destruction of the books in the War.

Small Heath Alliance 

Ground Repairs (8 replies)

Am i wrong but i expected to see the contractors moving in to start work as i was walking out on monday havent heard a thing or was i to optamistic or have i just missed something .

Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Ground Repairs



Am i wrong but i expected to see the contractors moving in to start work as i was walking out on monday havent heard a thing or was i to optamistic or have i just missed something .

Haha this. 100%. This has the hallmarks of being the worst ever pre season on SHA.

Small Heath Alliance 

Two point suspended deduction (29 replies)

For the club, for the Maxco stuff

From John Percy:


New - Birmingham City have been given a suspended two-point deduction for breaching EFL rules related to the owners and directors’ test last year (MaxCo taking control without approval). While a serious sanction, it should be viewed by fans as the final nail for BSHL #bcfc

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Two point suspended deduction


IS it possible Maxco did what they did last year to force BIHL in to selling the club -- erven though their attempt to buy the club feel through the murky ownership of the club came to the forefront with EFL and HKSE

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Small Heath Alliance 

Re: Aron trusty

He'd be better off going to sunderland and playing under a decent manager with a passionate support base.

Small Heath Alliance 

Looking for a new tv (9 replies)

50 inch. Need a central stand because of the width of the cabinet it will sit on.
Any recommendations. TIA

Small Heath Alliance 

EFL: Suspended Points Deduction (4 replies)

On Friday the EFL announced that Birmingham City had entered into an Agreed Decision with regards to the investigation into breaches of the Owners and Directors Test (OADT) during the attempted Maxco takeover. The club have been issued with a two point deduction, suspended until the end of the 2023/


Small Heath Alliance 

EFL: Suspended Points Deduction

On Friday the EFL announced that Birmingham City had entered into an Agreed Decision with regards to the investigation into breaches of the Owners and Directors Test (OADT) during the attempted Maxco takeover. The club have been issued with a two point deduction, suspended until the end of the 2023/

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